We always knew I was the stronger one between us, but maybe he was more affected by it due to the fact I was a male now, instead of a girl?

I’ll just have to work on it later. Alice?

"Hoot,” she replied."Yes?"

Wake me up in two hours or when you think I'm losing too much energy. You can poke me.

"Hoot,” she agreed and I felt the shift of magic, followed by a soft tail brushing against my cheek.

I opened my heavy eyelids to see her white fox form and she curled up right next to my face.

She licked my cheek and I smiled.

Thank you.

I'd gotten into Brighten Academy, but was already exhausted with everything that had occurred today .

I just hoped I could keep this facade up long enough to reach the first set of classes.


"Jewel? I think you should wake up."

I stirred at Alice's questioning voice, unsure why she sounded hesitant.Why?

"Well…uh...hmm...this kind of looks like one of those scenes straight from those Yaoi books. You know, two males cuddled up next to one another. Very romantic,”she hummed in my head.


I opened my eyes, noticing an unfamiliar defined chest in my view.

"Finally awake, Jinn?"

I slowly looked up to see Nixon sprawled out next to me.

I had to take a minute to appreciate his sleepy yet sexy appearance. His red hair was now loose and messy but made him look extremely hot. His lazy black eyes were filled with amusement and I lowered my gaze down his bare chest that was muscle central all the way from his pecs to his abs.

I mentally cursed at the red blanket hiding the rest of him, wishing I had a chance to ogle his lower muscles.

"Just as a reminder you’re still a guy and you shouldn't be getting hard for Mr. Strawberry,"Alice reminded.

Strawberry. He does smell like strawberries. Wait...male...I'm a male...am I male? Hmm.

"This is why you’re most vulnerable when you’re only half awake,"Alice sighed and I felt something nudge me in my face.

I groaned, blinking a few times before I looked down at Alice's fox form, her purple eyes blinking innocently at me as she sat between us.

"Wake up and get out of this bed before Logan loses his shit seeing you with Nixon. Jeez, there's only so much you can do to tease a jealous lover,"Alice complained in my head.

Jealous...why would he be... wait. WAIT, WHAT?

My eyes widened as I finally put everything together.

"Nixon?!" I whispered but my voice came out at a higher pitch, especially for my male voice.

Nixon grinned before he yawned.

"Evening, Sexy Jinn. How was your nap?"