"You two ready?" I asked.

My magic was already beginning to pool into my fingers and I didn't need my wand to help with creating the 3D triangle that I already vividly imagined in my head.

They both nodded and Logan's eyes began to shift to orange as a large gold magic circle formed beneath him.

Nixon yawned and mumbled a word under his breath; a large red magic circle appeared beneath him and his hair began to glow to pure white.

I had to take a second to appreciate how hot he looked before quickly shaking out of it.

Concentrate Jewel! I mean Jinn... oh this is getting pathetic.

"Guys! I don't think Maxi can hold this for much longer," Kage cautioned.

I glanced at Maximus, who was gritting his teeth and his body was shaking.

"Don't call me Maxi!" he growled but his exhaustion was apparent when he had to catch his breath.

Holding six of us in the middle of the air took a large amount of mana in a very short time.

"We can try to hold it up but I don’t think we’ll last the final thirty seconds," Zane pointed out.

I glanced at the clock that surprisingly hadn't been melted by the lava that was pooling at the base of it; ‘60 SECONDS’ was on the display.

"Hold it as long as you can. Maxi, pull out. Logan, create a triangle around us. Nixon, after that, do the same," I commanded.

They all got to work and after fifteen seconds, Maxi pulled out, kneeling to catch his breath. Zane and Kage grunted, the loss of magic from Maximus taking its toll on both of them.

I continued letting the magic pool in my left hand before channeling it into my wand that began to glow .

I could feel the magic begin to vibrate through my body, showing signs in my eyes that I was sure were bright red and my hair that always alternated between purple and red when I conducted large spells.

My arm with the dragon tattoo grew hot and I knew I could complete the spell I wanted.

I'd read in my father's journal that he’d once experienced something similar.

It didn't matter if we recreated a barrier with a simple triangle or a bubble. The combined power of the needles laced with piercing magic and the intense hot lava that would cancel out our simple spell, we'd be toast.

The needles would pop the spell, breaking the bubble barrier's hold and we'd fall into the burning lava, which would kill us all. But if I created a triple triangle barrier in a shape of a circle magic incantation, I'd be able to continuously allow my magic to flow long enough for the timer to clock out.

Logan and Nixon established their triangles and I glanced at the clock.

Thirty seconds. Let's try this out!

"TRIANGLE!"I shouted, letting go of my hold on the magic in my left hand.

A gold stream of magic shot out of my hand, creating another triangle, initiating the inner star symbol I needed for the magic circle. I noticed the others’ astonished faces and how they exchanged glances.

I figured it was because I hadn't needed a magic circle to stabilize the spell, but we'd deal with that aspect later.

My face dripped with sweat from the intense heat that was beginning to hit us from below as the lava was inches away from the bubble floor.

I took a calming breath, closing my eyes and envisioning the outer circle I needed to create to protect all six of us.

Imagining the line of the circle I began from above us, right where Maximus, Zane, and Kage stood. Then envisioned it going around from my side to the wind below us, reaching the halfway point, before going back up to where Logan stood and reaching the middle again.

Now, my hand holding the wand felt hot as the wand attempted to hold the enormous amount of magic I was demanding. I gritted my teeth and stood my ground as the magic circle in my mind completed, each point of the triangles meeting the outer circle and finalizing the spell.

"CIRCLE!"I shouted, initiating the magic spell.