I opened my eyes in time to see Kage and Zane pull back their magic, falling to the ground. Logan and Nixon were struggling to keep their triangles up.

"Fifteen seconds!" Kage announced.

I glanced at Nixon who looked like he could handle the remaining seconds needed, his magic flow still strong and stable. However, I saw that Logan’s stream of magic was beginning to flicker. His worried expression and uneven breathing told me he wasn't going to last; I nodded in understanding.

I closed my eyes, imagining a red triangle to replace Logan's, needing to add a little more magic to balance his triangle with Nixon's that was still solid.

"TRIANGLE!" I commanded, opening my eyes to see my vision come to life as a second stream of magic left my wand and created the triangle in time for Logan to pull back his magic.

The lava reached our waist, the steaming hot molten liquid attempting to burn through the magic circle that held us in a secured sphere, but it did nothing but sizzle the surface.

"Five seconds!" Zane declared and I closed my eyes, hoping to hold everything together for the remaining seconds.

Even though the lava wasn't touching our flesh, I could still feel the immense heat and that, coupled with the abundant amount of magic I was using, caused dizziness and shortness of breath.

I didn't know if I'd make it, but then I felt a small surge of energy begin to pool through me, starting from my arm.

I opened my eyes slightly, noticing the small trail of strings that came from Nixon's hand while his wand continued to expel the stream of magic to hold his triangle in place.

We stared into one another’s eyes, just as the buzzer went off.

I mouthed 'thank you' to him and he nodded in understanding before we both glanced down to see the lava beginning to lower. We looked up as the ceiling began to rise back up and then vanished when it went back to place.

"Wind,"Nixon said softly; a green magic circle formed above our sphere and the soft breeze helped direct us slowly to the ground.

When we landed and I knew it was back to normal with no lava or ice waiting for us to lower our guard,.

I pulled my magic back, canceling the spell.

With a sigh, I had to remind myself to maintain my male appearance as I caught my breath while the room continued to spin.

I stood my ground, noticing Logan's concerned gaze as he readied to rush over here but Nixon frowned, taking a step forward.

"Don't show any other weakness. They're still assessing us," Nixon whispered low enough for only us to hear.

Maximus exchanged looks with Kage and Zane and he rose back up.

We remained silent and I let my eyes close and concentrated on controlling my breaths, remembering the breathing exercises from my yoga sessions.

"Jinn?" Nixon questioned.

"What?" I asked, opening my eyes again to meet his blank stare.

Even with his expressionless face, his eyes still showed a hint of unease.

"Look like you need a nap,” he mumbled, glancing away.

I grinned at the comment.

"I agree with you there," I replied, sliding my wand back into my pocket.

It had done its purpose but it was more of a hindrance than a benefit in my opinion. If I hadn't needed to channel the magic through it for the exam, it would have been a lot easier to create the sphere and distribute my magic accordingly.

I hated using them but everyone thought they were cool and gave you a boost of power.

To me, all they did was withhold the magic you could produce and control simply with your mind and your hands.

The wand wasn't the host of your power, your body was. Learn to use your body correctly and then you're a walking magic conductor, ready to compose a symphony of spells.