Page 57 of Holy Hell

He knew he sounded foolish, but apparently Shai took pity on him.

They let out a deep sigh. "The human bible says I made man in my image. What about women? Whose image did I make them in? I am not a man. I am not a woman. I am all genders, all sexualities, and also none of them at the same time. I didn’t makeanyonein my image—they made me in theirs.” They gestured to their body, the bearded Mr. McAffrey. “This form? It’s how a lot of people expect me to look, but in truth, people see me the way they want. You see me as the bearded shopkeeper. Alcy and Beez see me in the same way you do, because they’re seeing me through your eyes. Others who came in here expected me to be some kind of hippie dude, so that’s how they saw me. More than a few thought I might be a seventies Cher type, complete with long black hair down to my butt crack, and all beaded out.”

Carter was still puzzled. “But why wouldIsee you like this?”

Shai grinned, that twinkle still evident in their eyes. “Look closely at me, Carter. See past the surface.”

He peered into those eyes, and… come to think of it, they did seem very familiar. They were warm, caring… Then it hit him. “You remind me of my grandpa.”

Shai let out a throaty chuckle. “Exactly. That’s what you needed the day you walked in here. Someone who’d listen, like he always did. Someone who wouldn’t judge you. Someone who youknewwould help you.” They regarded Carter with affection. “There isn’t a hurtful bone in your body. I watched as you tried to make peace with Danny, for goodness sake, and let’s be honest here, he was a putz. Your grandfather was right. You were definitely one to watch.”

“Grandpa?” Carter whimpered. Losing Grandpa to cancer still felt raw, still made his heart ache. “Youknowhim?”

Shai reached out and laid a hand atop Carter’s. “Of course I do. I knoweveryonein Heaven and Hell and all points in between. The boys told you they’re not for good or evil, just for people who want different things. Your grandfather is so very proud of you and the man you’ve become. When we had breakfast a few months ago, he went on and on about you like he always does, but this time it piqued my curiosity. I watched you for a while, and then I realized you would make a perfect host. Except there are plenty of those, and so few humans who love unconditionally. That was when I realized what I needed for Alcindor and Beezlebub was anintermediary. Someone who could bring them together, and open their hearts to the truth.” Shai’s gaze shifted from Alcy to Beez and then back to Alcy. “You two were quite infuriating. No matter how many chances I gave you, you always seemed to ignore them. I did everything but put a bottle of lube in your rooms.”

“I don’t understand,” Alcy said, his voice laced with confusion.

“You were there when I created Beez. Think about that. Have you been there for the birth of anyotherhost?”

Alcy frowned. “No.”

“Ask yourself why.” Shai sipped their tea. “Never mind, I’ll tell you.” There was that flash of pride again. “I made Beez for you.”

“You what?” they both shouted.

Shai arched clumpy eyebrows. “I’m pretty sure you heard me. Every host has a counterpart. Someone who is meant for them. You and Beezlebub were literally created for each other. The only problem? You were both so caught up in your jobs, you never took the time to actuallylookat each other. A host has to overcome their dedication to the job, and find it in love instead. So, when the two of you wouldn’t budge, I had to put someone in your path who would make you stand still long enough to realize what you were feeling.”

“Me?” Carter squeaked.

Shai gave a wide smile. “You. Your grandpa suggested it. He said you could make anyone fall in love. He was right. The change in Alcy and Beez was nothing short of miraculous. They noticed more, they actually listened to their hearts for a change… That’s all I ever wanted for my hosts—to find love.”

“But we have no soul,” Alcy protested. “How can we love?”

“Ask yourself why I never gave hosts a soul.” Shai turned their attention to Carter. “Doyouknow? Your grandpa said you would.”

Carter let the question rattle around in his head for a bit, before he blurted out, “They needed to accept each other in order for them to share a soul.”

Shai clapped their hands and gave a whoop. “Looks like I owe your grandpa five bucks. I said you wouldn’t get it, but I’m glad to be proved wrong.” They reached for Carter’s hand and squeezed his fingers gently. “The day I met you—well, whenDannymet you—I knew you were special. There’s a glow about you, an innate goodness. I hoped it would help Alcy and Beez to finally see each other with open eyes.”

Carter’s gut churned. “So they...” He swallowed hard. “They don’t need me?”

Shai’s eyes widened. “Oh, no! They definitely do. Haven’t you realized? You three need each other. You each bring something unique to a relationship.” They pointed to Beez. “He provides strength and stability. He will hold and protect you both to his dying breath.” Their gaze drifted to Alcy. “He brings growth. He’ll challenge you to improve yourselves, and help you find pride in your love. And you, Carter? You bring chaos.” Their eyes gleamed. “Not a bad kind, mind you. You offer an undefinable quality that will bind the three of you into a family.” They stroked Carter’s cheek. “Your job is the most important, especially as you forge your bond with these two muttonheads.”

Carter didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.I’m important?At least, to the men he’d fallen hard for. Then he grinned. “Muttonheads?”

Shai gave a quick eye roll, then a smile. “Do you know how many times I’ve thrown something in their path to force them to talk? And what did they do? They went off and did their own thing. It had gotten to the point where I was going to drag them in and tie them together until they listened to each other. I was complaining about them to your grandpa at our breakfast get-together, and he told me I should give you a chance. I was dubious, I’ll admit it, because ifIcouldn’t get it done, how could you? But you did. The day you got sick? They actually stopped long enough to acknowledge feelings they’d harbored forever, because you’d become such an important part of their lives.”

“But I’d heard hosts weren’t meant to form attachments,” Alcy insisted.

Shai snorted. “Poppycock. If I never said it, then it isn’t true.” They smiled. “Look, my hosts are the vessels of love. Only, they need to find their own before they can provide it to the rest of the world. My hosts carry out assignments until such time as they find the person—or persons—they’re meant to be with. Once that happens, they stop being hosts, and instead, travel to the mortal world together to become something humans desperately need—a light in the darkness, showing the path toward love.” They reached out, put a hand on Carter’s shoulder, and said in a stage whisper, “Only sometimes, they need a little help.”

Beez cleared his throat. “Let me see if I’ve got this. You’reokaywith us and Carter together?”

“More than okay. It’s everything I ever wanted for two of my favorite hosts.” Shai leaned in, their elbows on the table. “Carter, let me warn you. You’ll have your hands full with these two. They’re amazing at their jobs, but honestly, they’re thick as bricks.” Beez opened his mouth, but Shai held up a hand. “And no, Beezlebub, I’m not giving you an opening for a dirty comment.”

Beez leaned back, arms crossed, his lip jutting out. “Spoilsport.”

Shai returned their attention to Carter. “Whatever you do, stay patient. Love them, even when they’re being stubborn buttheads.” They smirked. “Which I’m guessing will be pretty often.”