Page 58 of Holy Hell

It warmed Carter to hear these things. Firstly, his grandpa was still looking out for him, he knew Carter was gay, and that he would be perfect for two men. Warm tears trickled down his cheeks. Alcy was there in a heartbeat, pulling Carter into his arms. He never questioned what was wrong, only gave comfort when it was needed. Then Beez was at his back, hugging them both.

Carter wiped his eyes. “Thank you, Shai. I’m glad to know Grandpa is happy with me.”

“More than happy, my boy. I’ve seldom seen anyone who is so proud of their family. Give him an opening, and he’ll talk your ear off.” They chuckled. “And he does—frequently.”

Carter’s breathing hitched. “I was always worried I’d be a disappointment to him. I tried to live up to his example, but I wasn’t sure if I’d succeeded.”

Shai smiled. “He says you’ve surpassed him in every way. In fact, your grandmother speaks highly of you as well. Everyone who has known you has nothing but good things to say. Including the guys who you used to eat breakfast with at the diner. You were polite, kind, and you radiated goodness. Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t have you on my radar before that.” They coughed. “I was obviously having an off day.”

Carter sighed. “I wish my parents could see me like that.”

That made Shai chuckle. “They’re so proud of you, but they were blinded as to what the world was about. Trust me when I say they’ll come around.” Shai let their gaze drift over Carter and his men. “I don’t want to say goodbye.”

“Then don’t. We’ll be back to visit you.” Alcy frowned. “Won’t we?”

Shai’s smile held a hint of sorrow. “No, I’m afraid not. You see, finding your partner means there will be changes in your lives. Of course, you’ll need to agree to them. First off, you’ll become fully mortal. That way, you can better learn and interact with others. However, the downside to that is you’ll also lose all memory of having been a host.”

“What? Why?” Carter demanded.

Shai’s gaze was sympathetic. “If you had the power to do nearly anything, and you gave it up to be with someone, how would you feel if they got sick and you couldn’t help them? If they needed something, but you could no longer snap your fingers to make it happen?”

That was something Carter hadn’t considered. “I’d be depressed. Maybe a bit resentful.”

Shai nodded. “Exactly. If the hosts decide to become human, their lives are all scripted out. They’ll remember family and friends, even have emotions attached to them, but their lives truly begin the moment they meet.”

“We’ve already met,” Beez reminded Shai.

They held up a finger. “Yes and no. You were summoned, so you didn’t technically meet. If you choose to remain here on Earth, with Carter, your life will start from the moment you meet. Your feelings will still be there, so it’s not like you’ll have to win each other over, but you will have to rebuild a real life together.” Another smile. Shai seemed to do that a lot.

It was nice.

Shai cleared their throat. “So, Beezlebub? Alcindor? Do you want to stay here, on Earth, with Carter? You’d be giving up your celestial body for a human one, and it will eventually wear out. Of course that means you’ll have to choose Heaven or Hell for your eternity when the time comes.”

Beez glanced at Alcy, and they both nodded. Beez straightened. “We want to stay with Carter, and when the time comes, it doesn’t matter where we go, so long as we’re all together.”

Shai gave him an inquiring glance. “Doyouhave any questions?”

“Actually, yeah.” Beez seemed uncertain, and Carter reached for his hand.

Shai gave a knowing smile, and Carter had the impression they knew exactly what was about to come from Beez’s lips. “Go on.”

“I need to know something kind of important,” Beez started, and then he frowned. “I mean, I know I’m going to lose my tail, but... ”

Shai bit their lip. “Don’t worry. Your dick will stay the same size.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Alcy blurted out.

Carter did his best not to giggle.

Shai regarded the hosts. “So you’ve made your decision? Will you stay with Carter?”

Alcy and Beez each flanked Carter, then took his hand. “We will.”

“I’m so happy to hear that.” Shai stepped over to them. “So this is what we’re going to do. You’re having a do-over. Danny never existed, Carter never visited the bookstore so he won’t have summoned you, but the emotional bonds you formed here? Those seeds will still be buried deep in your hearts, and will bloom when you meet.”

“But we’ll still be in love, right?” Alcy asked, a note of desperation creeping into his voice.

“You will,” Shai promised, then touched each on the forehead. “Enjoy your lives. I promise you, they’re going to be amazing.”