Page 60 of Holy Hell

Alcy and Beez had told him he could move in with them in their large apartment over the shop. Working with them, living with them… He was content during the day, and blissed out at night. Okay, so there were days when he was tired because he’d gotten little sleep, butdamn, it was a good tired. And he loved dealing with the customers. Some of them were fascinating. That older gentleman who’d stopped by the other day, for instance. He’d come in, puttered around the shop, and had ended up at the display of crystals. Carter had smiled when he sifted through all of them and lifted the tourmaline Carter loved so much up to the light and peered into it.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Carter hadn’t been able to resist the urge to speak with him.

The older gentleman smiled. “It is indeed.” He extended a hand, and Carter shook it. “My name is McAffrey. I used to have a shop very similar to this one.” He surveyed the interior. “I have to say, I love what you’ve done in here. It’s so light and airy. I could see myself sitting in one of those overstuffed chairs and reading books or listening to music for hours on end.”

“Oh, you should do that. We have a great selection to choose from, and you’ll feel a lot lighter when you leave.”

Mr. McAffrey gave a smile. “I’m not sure if I’ll be back this way, but I appreciate the offer.”

“Oh? Where are you going?”

“I have a job to get back to.” He sighed. “I’ve spent enough time away. The nice thing is, it all turned out better than I could have hoped.” He picked up his bag. “I hope you and your men are very happy together.” His eyes twinkled. And before Carter could ask how he knew about Beez and Alcy, Mr. McAffrey had left the shop. Carter went after him, intrigued, but when he peered outside, his enigmatic customer was nowhere to be seen.

Okay, that was weird. Then a couple had come into the shop, and Carter had gone back to work.

Carter flopped onto his back between Alcy and Beez. “This is terrible.”

Alcy blinked. “What is?” He leaned over Carter, stroking his damp chest.

He groaned. “I’m nearly twenty, but making love twice in one night wipes me out. I’m exhausted.”

Beez cackled. “Does that mean a third round is off the table?”

Carter gave a tired chuckle. “Ask me again in half an hour.” For some reason, what came to mind was the older gentleman who’d visited the shop that morning. He described the encounter to them. “Does he ring any bells?”

Alcy shook his head. “Doesn’t sound like anyone I recognize. Could be a customer from when we opened the shop. It’s been ten years, so it isn’t like we’ll remember them all.” He poked Beez in the ribs. “Of course,thisguy is hard to forget.”

They shared a kiss, then pulled Carter into it as well. Then they snuggled, and Carter lost himself in their strong arms around him, the warmth of their bodies.

Alcy let out a contented sigh. “You know, I never in my life thought of having a third person in our relationship. But the day you came into the shop, it seemed like you fit here, with us. I can’t tell you how glad we are you said yes.”

Carter had never thought he would findoneman who could complete him so perfectly, let alone two. Beez was forceful and dominant, usually the one who directed what they did in bed. Alcy was sweet and kind, and he loved to cuddle. On occasions he was even able to cajole Beez into it, and Beez’s fake protests before he finally settled in always made Carter smile.

It feels as if we’ve known each other forever.More than once, Carter had been overwhelmed by a sense of déjà vu, but dismissed the idea quickly.

I’d have remembered meeting these guys.

Beez lay a hand on Carter’s chest. “Speaking of our relationship… have you given it more thought?”

Carter had mulled over little else during the last five weeks. His life was pure bliss, but there was a cloud on the horizon, and it was drawing nearer, increasing in size, darkening the sky…

He’d have to tell his parents eventually.

“I’m afraid.” Except that single word didn’t come close to conveying his apprehension.

“We’ll be with you,” Alcy promised. “Even if things don’t go the way you hope, you’ll always have us. Okay?”

Carter nodded. He didn’t know how, but somehow he knew the three of them were meant for the long haul. “Maybe this weekend?” His stomach clenched.

“Sweetheart,” Alcy whispered in Carter’s ear. “It’s not something youhaveto do. We only ask because we want to be part of your family. We don’t want to be a secret, if that makes sense.”

And it did. When they’d go out on the weekends and do shows and craft fairs, Beez and Alcy were always so demonstrative and affectionate. Browsers would come by the booth and say how much it made their hearts soar to see the men together. It warmed Carter to see the effect the three of them had on people.

Carter had introduced Beez and Alcy to his friends, and they’d been welcomed with open arms. One night, sitting across from Troy and Mike, they brought up the drag show talent contest that was coming up, and asked Carter if he was going to participate. He’d said no right away.

Beez’s brows arched. “Drag?”

Troy’s eyes gleamed. “Yeah, Carter was Miss Sippy Liqueur. When she walked out onto that stage, three queens quit on the spot, rather than go up against her.”