Page 61 of Holy Hell

Carter’s cheeks heated. “It was something I did a long time ago.”

Alcy leaned in, the smell of root beer strong on his breath. “Do you have any of the outfits?”

Carter nodded.

“Will you model them for us?” Beez asked with a leer.

Hoo boy.

That had to have been one of the hottest nights of sex in the entirehistoryof sex. Beez bent him and Alcy in shapes that pretzels couldn’t match. The man was beyond inventive. If he’d been around when the Kama Sutra was written, he’d have had chapters devoted to him.

What surprised Carter was the way Beez and Alcy had encouraged him to return Sippy to the stage if that was what he wanted. They promised they’d be his biggest supporters, and even offered to take him shopping for new outfits. Beez had been salivating when when he said it. Of course, Beez was a horn dog anyway.

And then there was Alcy, a pure, sweet ray of sunshine poured into the body of a sexy redhead. Alcy didn’tdofoul moods—unlike Beez who had his moments, especially when Starbucks was out of his chocolate treats—and he was more than happy to teach Carter something new with the shop. When Carter discovered Alcy was also a linguist, he asked about learning a foreign language. That was an ongoing effort, but Alcy made learning fun.

Carter’s heart sank.I’m being selfish, aren’t I?These men had given him everything, and hadn’t asked for anything beyond love and affection. They wanted to meet Carter’s family.Is that so wrong?Carter knew he was afraid of losing his parents, but if keeping them meant he had to lie to them, was that really any type of relationship?

No, it wasn’t.

Carter took Alcy’s hand in his. “Do we have any shows this weekend?”

“Nope. Beez and I agreed not to drive to Minneapolis until we get a vehicle big enough for all of us to go that far without having you be squashed in the back for the six-hour trip. Why?”

Carter drew in a deep breath.If I say the words aloud, I can’t take them back.“I want to go introduce my parents to the two most amazing men on earth.”

Beez’s smile couldn’t have gotten any wider. “You mean it?”

Carter took his hand too. “I don’t know how it’s all going to work out, but I mean it. You’re the ones who gave me confidence to tell them I didn’t want to go to school. You gave me a job I absolutely love. And you took me in and made me part of your family.”

Beez’s smile disappeared as he tugged Carter’s jaw up to meet his eyes. “Listen to me. That stuff was given because we love you and want you to be happy. If you don’t think you’re ready to talk to your parents, then Alcy and I will wait as long as it takes.”

Carter knew they would. It was a small part of why he loved them so much. “No, I’m ready. I won’t live my life in secret anymore.”

Beez kissed him, a sweet, tender kiss that sent warmth flooding through him. Then he leaned in and whispered, “I think it’s time for round three, don’t you?”

What followed was even more intense than the previous time, and Carter had no problems falling asleep in his lovers’ arms.

They stood in front of his parents’ house, and Carter fought the urge to whimper. “Remind me whose idea was this again?”

“Yours. And we’re here with you. The three of us can weather anything, as long as we stand together.”

Carter liked Beez’s matter-of-fact tone that rang with confidence. “You’d better be right.”

“Oh, don’t get him started,” Alcy said with an eye roll. “He’ll be all smug about how he’s always right, andwe’llhave to listen to it.” Then he grinned. “Of course, if we stick a dick in his mouth, that’ll shut him up.”

“Son of a bitch,” Carter grumbled. “Now you’re going to make me walk in there with a hard on.”

Beez glanced around, then reached back and stroked a hand over Carter’s pants. “Wow, you’re primed, aren’t you?” His eyes gleamed. “Let’s make this quick, then we’ll go home and you can get on your hands and knees between me and Alcy.

Carter groaned. “I hate you so much right now.” He peered at his dick, giving it a thump. “Please go down.”

“Oh, we will,” Alcy promised him.

“And now I hate both of you,” Carter groaned. “So very much.” He pushed the door open, and the three of them stepped inside. He caught his folks’ voices coming from the living room, and Carter headed in that direction, stopping dead when he heard a third voice. He shivered when he recognized it.I’d hoped I’d never hear him again.His heart pounding, he peered through the open doorway, and—

What the fuck?

The scene unfolding in front of him couldn’t be real. It just wasn’t fucking possible. He was aware of Beez and Alcy peering over his shoulders, and the hitch in their breathing told him this was no nightmare.