Page 2 of Save Me

Time is changing me. I will not be a victim. Never again will I be taken advantage of or used by anyone. I’m taking back my own life now, becoming stronger and tougher. When the day comes that I can look at myself directly in the mirror and not hate my existence, I will find Declan and make my happily ever after.

Life tried to break me. Those people who were supposed to take care of me stole my innocence. But if I know one thing, it’s that I am like a phoenix. My time to rise from the ashes they left me in is coming, and when I do it will be with Declan by my side.

Chapter One



I stare at the asshole in front of me just praying he runs his mouth a little bit more so I can show him how much of an ass kicking thissweet little thangcan give him. He’s trying to flirt, using his dumbass face to get out of paying his tab but I’m not fucking budging. Men like this think they walk on fucking water but thankfully I’m around to give them a reality check.

“Your tab is fifty eight dollars. Cash or card,sweet thang?” I give him my best condescending smile with my signature head cock.

“Don’t be like that, we can work something out. Your boss doesn’t have to know. Just delete the tab and come home with me, you’ll like what I have in store for you.” He licks his lips and grabs his pathetic little bulge that makes me vomit in my mouth a little bit.

“Actually my boss will know and she’s a real hardass. Pay up asshole and not with your micropenis,” I say as sweetly as possible.

“Fuck you, slut! I want to talk to whoever’s in charge!” He screams at me and a little spit lands on my face. I wipe my cheek and lose my smile completely. Why is it that fuckfaces like this guy call a woman a slut when theywon’tsleep with them? It makes absolutely no sense. Incels like this guy need to follow the yellow brick road and go see the wizard for a new brain because the one they all share is broken.

“Of course, let me grab ‘em,” I smirk, doing a full three hundred and sixty degree turn before putting on my manager smile. “Hi there, my name is Al and I own this establishment. How can I help you?”

“What the FUCK?” Dumbass incel yells. “Y-you… you can’t…”

“Ah but alas I can and I do. Now, the cops will be here really soon so pay up bucko.” I hold out my hand waiting semi-patiently for DI, dickless incel, to hand over some form of payment. I haven’t actually called the cops yet but Josh, one of my massive bouncers, would be more than happy to hold him under arrest until I can get some Po-Po here.

“Fine, bitch. Here’s your money.” DI hands over a hundred dollar bill, his eyes narrowed in my direction.

“Thanks dumbass. Now get your dickless friends and get out of my establishment. You guys are no longer welcome here.” I put the full hundred dollar bill in the till then close it. If he thinks he’s getting his change he can go fuck a cactus sideways. With the shit he just put me through, I’m charging a forty-two dollaryou’re a dickfee.

Josh walks up to escort DI to his buddies, finally getting them out of my hair. I love my job, but dickwads like those guys make me question why I continue to run this bar sometimes. It could be that even though I’m not close with my employees, I feel a sense of obligation to them. If this bar goes down, most of them are out a good paying job and that means rent and food for their tables. While the thought may cross my mind to close down the bar, I probably would never do it for them.

When Josh walks back up I hand him a twenty from the till to split the fee with him since he had to deal with that bullshit as well. He may have it easier since he’s a huge ass man, but no one enjoys having to be around crotch fruit like those fuckers.

“Thanks Al,” he says with a bright smile. Josh is scary as hell in size at first glance, but he’s actually 6’4” and three hundred and fifty pounds of pure teddy bear. Unless you fuck with someone he cares about because then he’ll rip you limb from limb, something I very much appreciate. Don’t get me wrong, I can take care of myself but having someone with me that people visibly retreat from saves me from having to kick ass and take names myself.

I don’t look very intimidating at 5’5” and a hundred and fifty pounds but I train in kickboxing, martial arts and I teach an all genders self defense lesson three times a week. I’m about as much of a certified badass as you can get. I don’t enjoy violence, but my past has taught me that you have to fight fire with fire to get anywhere. So what did I do? I made myself into a fucking inferno. I will burn this world to the ground before I ever become a victim again.

“You okay?” Georgia, my floor waitress, comes up asking. I must have looked out of it if Georgia is questioning me.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Have you closed all of the tabs out there? Josh is itching to throw some people out and we close in five minutes.”

“Yes ma’am. Josh can kick people out to his heart’s content,” Georgia giggles.

She’s a sweet girl but not always the most observant person out there. I feel the need to watch her like a hawk some nights because she doesn’t seem to notice the dangers that follow her. It may just be that I'm the type to see danger in everyone and everything though.

“Josh!” I holler across the bar. “Close it down!”

The few people that hear me and see our very own Hulk coming towards them rush to grab their things, getting the hell out of dodge. There are a couple people that Georgia should have cut off a while ago that need help getting out but we actually clear out in decent time for once on a Saturday night.

“You can head out now Georgia,” I smile handing over her tips for the night. “Don’t forget that I’m heading out of town tomorrow for two weeks. Rachel will be taking over for me while I’m gone, but I want you to watch your back and take care of yourself okay?”

“Got it boss,” Georgia says with a small two finger salute before grabbing her stuff and waving goodbye to all of us.

I try to send Josh on his way as well but that man is as stubborn as they come and refuses to leave while I’m still here by myself at three o'clock in the morning. Running through the closing clean up before counting the tills, I quickly finish up, heading out to my car with Josh as my ever present shadow.

As I get to my car, I wave Josh off. He finally relents with a goodnight before hopping in his own car and driving off. This was my first mistake. I get in my car without checking my surroundings and start it up. That was my second mistake. When I feel the cold steel of a blade at my throat, I realize my phone is in my purse in the passenger seat. That was my third mistake. Just perfect, the one night I don’t do my survival checks this shit happens again.

Fuck. I promised myself that I would never be a victim again. I promised I would never end up a statistic, yet here I am with a knife to my throat. His hot rancid breath is in my ear and it’s pissing me off. I have my fight instincts and rage burning inside me. None of which is going to do me any fucking good from the position I’m in.