Page 3 of Save Me

“You stupid slut,” the fucking dumbass incel from the bar hisses in my ear. “You think you can reject me? You think you can make a fool of me? Think again, bitch. I’m going to make you pay for your disrespect when I jam my cock in your pretty mouth.”

“Thanks but I think I’m going to pass. I had a tic tac earlier and that’s pretty much the same thingsooo,” I say with practiced nonchalance while I run through every scenario to get out of this unscathed. Pissing him off sounds like a bad idea, but I’m hoping his anger will make him careless. If it works I can get a hold of this fucking knife that’s pressing into my skin hard enough to draw blood.

“You fucking cunt!” He screams. His anger makes his hand move just enough for my hand to get between my neck and the knife. This is my opening and I fucking take it. I put one hand around the blade while I grab his wrist, expertly breaking it as quickly as I can. The knife cuts into my hand for a split second, but adrenaline has made ignoring the pain easy. The ball is in my court now.

I turn the knife on my dipshit attacker with fury in my eyes. Keeping him in my sights, I get out of the car to give myself more room to move. He stumbles out as well with a sneer on his face, holding his awkwardly angled wrist against his sweat stained chest.

“You get your rocks off attacking women, dickhead?” I taunt him. “Can’t get anyone to touch your tic tac dick so you have to force someone to? I bet even your hands turn you down.”

“FUCK YOU!” DI yells at me before trying to lunge towards me. Unlucky for this fucker we’re now on a level playing field and my training is taking over.

“You think you’re a big strong man that can have whatever the fuck you want? Well I’m about to show you how wrong you are. Thissweet little thangis going to kick your ass and then I’m going to hand you over to the police on a silver platter. How is that for your fragile masculinity?”

“Call the police! I’ll have you charged with assault,” he smugly taunts me, thinking so confidently that he has the upper hand.

“And I’ll have you charged with sexual assault and assault with a deadly weapon,” I point to my neck where the nic is still bleeding. “Do you really wanna try this game with me tic tac dick?”

Apparently those words were the last straw because he takes a swing at me. I easily outmaneuver him because he’s a prick with no fighting skills whatsoever. Within minutes I have him knocked the fuck out at my feet with a broken nose and at least a couple broken ribs. Maybe this fucker will think twice before coming after women who reject him again. I reach back into my car, grabbing my phone to call 911. The wear and tear of having to fight is wearing down on me so I have a seat on my driver's side while I wait for the police to arrive.

A huge yawn takes over my face, making my eyes water. I really just want to wrap this up so I can head home and go to bed. It's going to be a long drive for me tomorrow. I’d like at least a couple hours of sleep first.

The police show up in decent time. I give them my report as detailed yet to the point as possible. They take some pictures of my injuries, but I refuse medical attention so I get sent on my way within an hour. Dumbass incel woke up when he was being cuffed to the bed in the ambulance and his cursing me out basically gave the cops every shred of evidence they needed to lock him up. Fuckers like him never know when to shut their mouths. It’s lucky for me but very unlucky for him.

I head home which is only a few minutes from the bar. Walking in the door feeling like a zombie, it takes no time for me to drop my shit and deadbolt the door behind me. I make myself quickly undress, cleaning and checking the severity of my wounds before falling into my huge abyss of a bed. I just need a few hours of sleep to feel better. Hopefully I can hold my demons back tonight but after all the shit that just went down, I don’t have high hopes.

Chapter Two


Rough hands are moving up my bare legs as I try to stay still. I just want it to stop but if I move or make a noise it always gets so much worse.

The rope rubs on my wrists, holding me in place on this creaky bed that is stained with so much of my blood and tears. This bed is more me than fabric now, each night I’m dragged down here adds more and more to it. Declan was left upstairs this time at least. Small victories for one of us.

Please, make it stop. Please, someone save me.

These silent plea’s in my head are no use though, no one is coming. There’s only one person who ever tries to save me and he’s locked in his room to stop him from doing that very thing. Sometimes it’s both of us in this nightmare of a basement, but tonight, it’s just me.

The hands make it up to my sleep shorts, the cold steel of a knife finally making its appearance. It slides along the fabric softly before he jerks it upwards, cutting the fabric away from me with a chuckle.

My breath comes out choppy as I try to focus on anything but what he’s about to do. I just want this to end. I don’t want to go through this again. It needs to stop. I need to make it stop but I’m so weak.

I. Am. Pathetic.

Do I bring all of this on to myself? What do I do that makes men like this prey on me? Maybe I need baggier clothes to hide myself. Maybe if I cut off my hair they’ll think I’m a boy and won’t touch me.

Even as I think this, I know it’s not true. I’ve seen the things they do to Declan. The pain they inflict on both of us and all who have come before. It makes me shudder with revulsion. There is no escape for people like us, people that the world no longer cares about. We’re a nuisance. We’re a drain on the system that people bitch about in the comfort of their perfect suburban lives. People would rather turn a blind eye to the horrors we go through than let us soil their perfect lives.

The knife starts moving down my legs and a whimper of fear escapes me.

No, no, no, no. I feel the belt he put around my throat tighten to stop me from making more sounds.

I won’t survive this another time. I can’t keep going through this.

The belt tightens again, enough to make my eyes water and cause black spots to erupt. This is the time he kills me like he always says he will.

I love you, Dec.

I shoot up in bed, my breathing erratic and uneven. There’s sweat pouring down my back as my chest rapidly expands and contracts, trying too hard to suck in air. I rub my neck, flinching when I feel the gauze followed by a sigh of relief when I realize it’s not a belt.