“He’s nice.”
Putting my head on her shoulder, I sigh happily now that that awkward meeting is over.
Two Weeks Later
Since that day, we’ve spent every day together. He’s come with me to my appointments. He met my midwife, who he made a significant impression on. He’s really trying to make up for lost time.
He brings me flowers, and he’s starting to buy little things for the baby. It’s difficult at the moment, as he only gets his unemployment money but he’s so good to me. I don’t think I was this happy before.
Addison wasn’t too happy when I told her we were back together - I know she’s just looking out for me, but she has to understand that it’s my life.
I wake up with an excruciating pain in my lower back which quickly moves around to the front. Sitting up, I move to the edge of the bed and wait for the pain to pass. After a couple minutes, it stops, I go to the toilet and then get back into bed.
It doesn’t take long until I’m waking up with the same kind of pain. This time I get out of bed and walk around to see if It helps, and it does a little bit. Once it’s worn off, I get into bed again and try to sleep, but I can’t.
I open up my iPad and go to my iBook’s app, click on a book I really want to read and settle back down. I get ten percent in, and it starts again. It’s only then that I realise I must be in labour.
Repeating what I did before, I grab my phone and ring the one person I need with me most. It rings for a little while, I begin to think he’s not going to pick up when I hear his sleepy voice
“Jax. I need you.”
“Shelby? What’s up, babe?” His husky voice puts a grin on my face even though I’m in pain.
“I’m in labour.”
“Oh shit.” Now he’s awake. “Erm, baby, I can’t leave this place at night it’s part of my curfew.
I start to panic thinking I have to do this alone...
“Oh Jax, but I don’t want to do this without you.”
“Okay, hang on a sec…” The line goes quiet for a second, “Shelby, have you had a show or anything yet babe?”
“I don’t think so, but the pain is terrible.”
“Alright, have you been timing your contractions?”
“Erm not really….”
Shit, I forgot about that.
“From now I want you to time your contractions… it’s five-thirty, right? I can’t get out of here until at least another hour and a half. I want you to go and wake up whoever you can and if there’s any change I want them to call me, does that sound okay?”
“Yes,” I answer just as another one starts to tear through me.
“Baby, I promise I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m not going back to sleep; I’ll be here waiting for your call.”
“Okay…” I blow out a sigh of relief, taking another deep breath as the pain wears away.
“It’s over now,”
“Alright babe, I’ll be there as soon as I’m allowed.”
“Thanks, Jax, love you.”