Page 62 of Meant to Be

“Love you. See you soon.”

I don’t wake dad and Anna right away, I wait until I get another one. Looking at the clock on my iPad I see it’s five forty-five. I just need to drag it out to seven and then I know soon after Jax will be here.

Anna jumps from the bed when I wake her and runs me a bath.

“Shelby get in the bath sweetheart; the hot water helps. I nod, taking in her advice.

“I’ll take my phone in case Jax calls me. He can’t get out of the house until seven.”

“Okay, my angel.”

Once the water is ready, I step in and lie back, letting the hot water soothe me.


I’m pretty much watching the clock tick by. After that call, I got my arse up and went in the shower. I wanted to be ready to be able to order a taxi and get there in next to no time. A message sounds on my phone. It’s Shelby, I open it right away.

Shelby: Dad said don’t get a taxi he’ll pick you up just say what time. xx

Me: I can’t get out of here until at the earliest 7 xx

She doesn’t text back right away, so I get my trainers on and wait.

Shelby: That’s fine he said he’ll be outside at 7 xx

I’ve never actually been as nervous in all of my life like I was that day I met Jack. He came across as stern and take no shit, but once you speak to him, he’s cool. To be honest, I needn’t have been nervous in the house, it was when he gave me a lift home.

"So Jax, you know I love my daughter, and I know you do too, I can tell that. I could tell that from the minute I walked in the door, so I’m just going to put this out there..." I nod anxiously. “I know you’ve had your problems, but... if you hurt her again, I will hunt you down."

“Yes, Mr Andrews.”

“We cool?” I have to bite my lip to stop the snigger from bursting out…

“Yeah, we’re... cool.” I raise an eyebrow.

“Do you kids not say cool anymore?”

Shaking my head, I cover a grin.

“Oh. Okay well, that’s me told. But,” He turns the conversation serious again, “it takes a long time to get my girl back again. Just don’t hurt her, that’s all I’m asking.”

“I won’t, I promise.”

He pulls up at the hostel, “Fist bump then?”

“Erm whatever..” I touch his fist with mine just to amuse him. “I love her Mr Andrews, I always have, and you have my promise.”

Nodding, he smiles. I twist to open the car door and step out, “Oh and Jax,” I turn back to look at him, “It’s Jack.”

“Thanks for the lift...Jack.”

As soon as the clock hits seven, I’m out of there. The old lady who runs the place stops me as I get to the main front door.

“Where you off to so early?”

“My girlfriend is in labour. I need to go.”

“You know all this coming in and out has to be recorded, young man.”