Page 56 of Meant to Be

“Still so modest, Jax.”

A grin lifts at the corner of my mouth before I turn the key I ask, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk somewhere else?”

“I just need this over with.”

My heart sinks, she wants to get this over with so she can carry on with her life.

“Excuse a sec,” opening the door I step inside and wait for her to step in.

My eyes track from the top of her head down to her feet, my gaze lingering on her bump longer than necessary as she stands on my doorstep until she steps inside the room.

“You look good,” I tell her trying to break the ice between us.


I step forward lifting my hand, but she moves out of the way of it, her gaze shifting to the floor instead. I shut the door and walk back around her.

“So, do you want to sit down?”

There’s nowhere but the bed to sit on if I’m honest I was trying to be a gentleman.

“If I get down there - I’m not getting back up…”

A ghost of a smile pulls at the corners of her mouth. The bed is quite low to the floor. The other seat is a chair that sits in the edge of the room, I grab that instead, patting it.

“Here you go.” I take my place on the edge of the bed and wait.


“Sorry, it’s not more comfortable…”

“Jax…” Her voice goes a pitch higher, “It’s fine, honestly.” I nod.

Why the hell am I so nervous?

“I’m sorry. It’s weird, I don’t know how to act around you?”



“Like that’s an answer.” Mumbles Shelby.

“Cut me a bit of slack, please?”

“Fine,” she sighs, “Where do you want to start? She clasps her hands together and strategically places them under her swollen tummy.

“How about the bump that’s in the room?”

“You mean your baby?” She corrects me sharply.

“Yes, my baby. What happened?”

“I was too distressed to have the abortion. Let’s say Mum wasn’t happy about that. I was hoping you’d still be there when I came out, but you weren't. I was gonna tell you then, but you’d gone already.”

“That’s because your mother sent me away. She made a point of telling me that the abortion was happening... I was angry.”

“That night I left home and went to my dad’s house to hide away. About a month after your sentencing I wrote you a letter explaining everything…