She floats toward me, her steps soft. "She's beautiful, Draven."

"The woman who inspired her is beautiful. She's just a reflection of the reality, Dahlia." I snag her around the waist, pulling her down into the chair with me to nuzzle her throat. "The reality is far more to my liking."

"The reality doesn't think you're so bad either," she murmurs, snuggling up in my arms with a soft sigh of surrender. "Can I ask…why me?"

"Because you're perfect."

"For the character?"

"For everything."

Her delighted laugh lights up the room. Fuck, how did I survive so long without hearing that sound every day? It lights up the entire mansion, breathing life into the place. This entire corner of Screaming Woods feels alive in a way it never did before her, as if she's restoring order to more than just our ancestral home.

"I'd like to use it in the game, Beauty," I murmur. "But only if you're okay with it."

"What will that entail?" she asks. "Will people be able to do dirty things to me? Or to her? I don't think I'd like that very much, Draven."

"Absolutely not," I growl. "Playable characters have a broad range of actions and responses available to them, but what they can and can't do with NPCs is very limited. The gameplay follows a storyline, and they won't be able to undress your character, defile her, touch her inappropriately, or anything like that."

"Oh, good," she says, relieved. She'll never have to worry about things like that happening with my games. People can be terrible, and gamers can be some of the worst. But I don't tolerate bullshit within my games or on my servers and never will. "Then use her, Draven."

"You're sure?"


I press a grateful kiss to her temple and then another to her lips, lingering there.

"Can I play the game? Will you teach me how it works?" Her beautiful face lights up with delight, making my heart and dick swell. She's incredible. I couldn't have found a perfect woman if I had designed her myself.Wait up; that doesn't sound right.

"I have a better idea. There's something special I want to share with you."

"You don't need to go to any trouble or do anything fancy for me. I'm just excited to learn more about you."

Reaching for her hand, I bring it to my lips, pressing a gentle kiss on her soft skin. "Nothing is too much trouble for you, Beauty. But I need a couple of hours to organize a few things."

She smiles, a girlish blush tinting her cheeks pink. "Can't wait." She smiles sweetly, and we arrange to meet later. My Beauty couldn't be any more adorable if she tried.

I have a surprise in mind, but I need help from Atticus and Ma to pull the pieces together. When everything is lined up to my satisfaction, I send Dahlia a text with instructions. An Uber will pick her up from the house and drive her to a secret location.

Half an hour later, the door to the ancient theater swings open, announcing her arrival. "Oh wow," she coos, her voice echoing through the cavernous space.

"Beauty." Stepping forward from the shadows, I take her hand and guide her along the path I created with rows of tea lights.

"What is this place?"

"The town's old movie theater. Ma used to bring me here when I was a boy, but it's been closed for years. People go to the multiplex in the city these days."

She giggles as I guide her to a bean bag. "Thank you," she says as she nestles into its softness. I had two of them delivered an hour ago. The polystyrene filling whomps softly when I ease my heavy frame on the bean bag beside her.

Classical music pipes into the auditorium. Beauty glances behind her and sees we are the only two people here.

"There's no electricity. I brought the speakers with me," I explain.

"How will we watch a movie if there's no power?"

"Patience, Beauty." I switch on the LED lamp under the coffee table, revealing the hamper full of snacks.

"Wow," she gasps. "Popcorn, chips, candy, soda. What a feast!"