Chapter Nine


"Thisistheone,"I growl, my fists planted on my desk as I lean close to the giant monitor tech-billionaire and fellow monster Atticus Hunt designed for me. "This is her." The art department captured her perfectly. Dahlia's fathomless, laughing blue eyes stare back at me from the screen, her copper hair spilling in waves down her back. She looks beautiful and fierce, exactly the type of woman you'd wage war to defend and protect. Precisely the type of woman capable of uniting a world ravaged by war.

"Shall I approve it, sir?" Marjorie Killbourn asks.

I hesitate, caught between the desire to say yes immediately and the need to run it by Dahlia first. I don't think she'd be thrilled to know I used her likeness in a video game without her consent. Not to mention, I'd never get it past my investors without her approval.

"Not yet. I'll let you know."

"Yes, sir."

I end the call with the head of the art department and then dial Dahlia's number.

"Yes?" she says, answering immediately.

My cock swells as soon as I hear her voice, my mind instantly returning to the woods. Fuck. I can't believe my little minx let me stalk her through the dark like a feral animal. We fucked for hours after I caught her, both of us desperate and aching. Both of us wild and uninhibited.

"I need you."

"You said that ten minutes ago, too, Draven."

"I mean it this time."

She laughs quietly. "You also said that."

I growl wordlessly. "Don't make me come find you, Beauty. Ma won't like it if she catches me fucking you bent over whatever piece of furniture is closest when I get my hands on you."

"Draven," Dahlia moans.

"My office. Now."

"Don't be bossy," she chastises. "It's rude."

"You like it when I'm rude."

"Do not."

We both know she's lying, but I let her get away with it. There isn't much I wouldn't let this woman get away with. Every minute I spend with her pulls me deeper under her spell. I've never been happier to be so well…gloriously fucking happy. I feel like a goddamn Disney princess. I whistle when I stroll through the damn woods. I listen to the birds sing. I'm a fucking whistling, bird-appreciating monster. If the others who changed saw me, they'd think I'd lost my damn mind. And I'd just fucking smile in their faces.

"Please come to my office, Beauty. I need to show you something," I murmur as politely as possible, willing to give her anything she wants if it gets her here.

"I'm already on my way," she promises, making me smile. She can't tell me no, either. For some reason, this incredible woman loves me.

Thank you, God.

I disconnect and then light a couple of candles so she can see. I hate leaving her in the dark. She shouldn't have to live that way just because I do. Yet all too often, she plunges the room into darkness to make me comfortable. Her heart is far too big. Thank God she has me to take care of it now.

I hear her soft steps behind me a few minutes later, and nervous energy crackles up my spine. Her delicate scent tickles my nose. My cock turns to steel. It takes everything I have to stay in my chair when all I want to do is stomp across the room and back her up against the wall. When I want to wrap her legs around my hips and fuck until she's coming all over me again.

Will I ever get enough of her?


"I'm here, you wicked… Oh my gosh!" She stops halfway to me, and I know she's seen the rendering on the screen. "Draven, what is this?"

"It's you." I swallow my nerves. "Or rather, a video game character inspired by you."