Simon, here, helping with the vampires, and one of the most powerful vampires in existence, based on how the others talked about him in reverent tones when he wasn’t around.
Cayne, my trainer, one of the most legendary killers of all time and former king of hell.
My boyfriend, best friend, and lover Samael, a half-demon, half-celestial with ninth realm blood, immortality and near unstoppable power, plus the ability to go into a larger, more dangerous demon rogue form without being stuck there, which made him unique among demons.
Mor, short for Morrigan, a celestial void walker hybrid and genius brawler.
Griffin, a celestial dog-lion and another best friend, always there when I needed him.
Os, an ice fae with celestial blood and infinite diplomatic connections.
Luren, a deep-blue skinned Drorren prince with dark abilities and anti-demon skills including the ability to produce quenchwater, which had saved us during our fight in hell.
Zadis, a fae-turned-demon-turned-thrall who spent his time with us redeeming himself and saving my life, and who I brought back to life with my sword.
He has since returned mostly to normal, to the fae prince he was before he died, save for a slightly blue tinge to his skin here or there.
Then we had Ara, the most powerful sin-demon in the demon realm, and the ruler I hoped would rule in the sky realms if I could get her there.
I’d seen the way she ruled the demon realm, her fairness, her love of protecting the young and helpless, her hatred of oppression. It didn’t hurt that everyone including Cayne was in awe of her power.
So yes, my team was fairly good, I thought.
Add a few vampires (and none of them against us) and we’d have this in the bag.
Once my donation finished and I was wrapped up, I stood and Simon stood with me, ready to walk me out.
“Here, I’ll walk you back to the sanctuary,” he said. “Cayne will be wanting to see me anyway.”
“He’ll be irritated you already fed,” I said.
Simon laughed. “I’m sure he’ll be glad to be free of the job.”
But I wasn’t so sure. Cayne and Simon had a friendship that was almost possessive in some ways, though I tried to not poke into it too much.
Cayne still wasn’t letting me get that close to him in general, though he was putting his all into training me.
For someone waiting to see the Morningstar rise for so long, it seemed a little odd that I could still sense his hesitation sometimes, like he was dreading the oncoming confrontation instead of looking forward to it.
After all, once it was done, we could all go back to more fun things.
Like convincing Sam to hold a mating ceremony.
My cheeks flushed and a tiny skip entered my step as we crossed the road to the sanctuary.
“That happy to see your incubus?” Simon asked, smiling.
I nodded. “After a long hard day, there’s nothing better.”
As expected, Samael was waiting outside the gates, looking around nervously, his gorgeous face stern and slightly hidden by the heavy canvas trench coat he was wearing.
I ran forward, and his huge arms opened, beckoning me in.
Finally home, as his warmth closed in all around.
Just a few more moments of struggle, and then a lifetime forever.
Of this.