I snuggled my cheek into his coat, loving the slight smell of brimstone that often clung to him.
But then he spoke, and his tone made my hands clutch his lapel.
“Cleo, we have to talk.”
“What about?” I asked, pulling back and keeping hold of his gentle, rough-feeling hands and treasuring every second they could touch mine.
His dark eyes flashed with the golden ring at the center, his demon side showing for a moment. When in full incubus form, his irises would glow like red roses and sparkle like rubies.
But I loved his angel eyes as well, with their dark, sinful color and his angelic curls falling over his forehead.
One of his hands left mine to move up into my hair, trail along my ear, grazing a sensitive spot that made me jerk back, made my body warm, already ready to go see what else he could do to me.
“Ooh, so are you two down for letting me watch?” Simon cocked his head, smiling from behind us, as we pulled apart with a groan. “I’m still up for a threesome, or even better, feeding straight on Cleo—”
“I’m never letting you feed on Cleo,” Sam muttered.
He kept one hand on mine and dragged me with him inside the gates and onto the sanctuary grounds, while Simon followed us, humming pleasantly.
When we reached the cathedral, which had a huge gothic rose window and a sign readingCayne’s Sanctuaryabove huge wooden doors, they pushed open to reveal a huge figure in a white open tunic and black leather pants tucked into boots. The figure’s long red hair wound over his shoulder, braided lightly with leather and tied off at the bottom.
At his waist was a large leather belt, where he usually clipped an axe. His blood magic sword, which was his slayer weapon, was usually kept out of sight in a void sheath, since he didn’t have illusions or the ability to just make things appear or reappear, like Samael did.
“Simon,” Cayne said, staring down at us from his immense height of at least six and a half feet. Sometimes I could swear he was more like seven, when fighting. Sometimes he was only a few inches taller than Samael.
Then again, Samael’s demon form could also change sizes. Apparently, I had a true demon form as well, but I’d never taken it fully.
Only partially, and only when in…intimate moments with Samael.
Samael shot me a heated look, the incubus in him always too aware of when I was thinking of him.
Cayne also frowned. “You two go do what you’re going to do and leave us out of it.” He waved a hand. “Being able to read the feelings of my brother’s girlfriend. I don’t recommend it.”
“Oh come on,” Simon said, putting a chiding hand on his friend’s huge forearm, which was covered with a leather guard. “Surely you’ve trained Cleo long enough to call her a friend at this point.”
Cayne merely grunted and moved away, but I knew as he looked back at me and Sam for a second that in the months we’d been training, he’d grown at least a little fond of me.
And I saw something wistful, if not a little painful, in his eyes, whenever he looked at me and Samael.
“All right you little wandering vampire,” Cayne said, his voice still booming even as Samael and I moved into his bedroom. “Come tell me why you don’t look even a little hungry, and I’ve been saving blood all day for you.”
I heard Simon’s laugh, and then Sam closed the heavy door to his chambers behind us and spun, trapping me against it, his heavy palms falling on either side of my head as his lips covered mine, fitting together perfectly as always, lighting me up inside and making me writhe, boneless and weightless almost instantly, overwhelmed with pleasure.
But then he pulled back, letting our tongues touch for another second, warm, intimate, before flicking his back in his mouth.
One of his hands came down to grab both of mine and pin them over my head, and he looked over me with a predatory gaze that made me shiver. I knew I had immense power, but I would never get over how strong, how dominant, how capable Samael was.
From the moment he first saved me, to the day he broke me out of jail, to this moment together, I’d only wanted him.
Well, and Zadis a little, once, but that was before I was with Sam.
“I just want to get a good look at you, and now I sense your thoughts are somewhere else. Thinking of Zadis?”
I flushed, looking away. “You know I only want you.”