Page 59 of The Reaper



Iwas about to head out to help Rhys unload a truck full of straw bales—something I never thought I’d be doing. It was a damn fine workout, and the longer I was at the ranch, the more I saw the charm of all the open space, fresh air, and hard work. Horses, though, were still not charming. I gave them a wide berth.

As I checked myself in the mirror to verify I looked as good in the cowboy hat I’d gotten in town as Rhys seemed to think I did, my phone rang.

When I glanced at the screen, I saw a name I’d been expecting and dreading—my father. Things would be worse if I ignored him, so, after taking a deep breath, I answered the call.

I expected anger or at least the superior tone he always used with me. What I got was something I’d never heard, the sound of fear in his voice.

“Arturo is missing.” Arturo was my half brother, the youngest child my father had with my stepmother. He was only thirteen.

“Is Franco responsible?”

“Who else would take him?”

I could give him a long list of people who had it out for him, but not many of them would dare to kidnap his youngest child, and even fewer would succeed.

“I know what’s going on.”

“Yes, your aunt told me she betrayed my trust.”

“You need help.”

“I need to show strength.”

“You need to win.”

“And you’re saying I can’t do that on my own.”

“I am.”

“How dare you?”

“If you could, then you would have taken out the Cafaros and Franco already. Instead, you want me, the son you’ve dismissed, to go save the son you actually love.”

“You would never speak to me like this if you were standing here in front of me.”

I wouldn’t have before, but now that I’d had a chance to get some distance and see how a real family acts, I think I would. “I have contacts working on this with me, and that is nonnegotiable.”

“Areyouchallenging me now?”

“No, I’m helping you. Don’t be so stubborn that you lose everything because you won’t let me.” He blew out a long breath. Had I finally gotten through? “You wanted me to be strong. I am. Now let me do my job.”

“Your job is to extract information when I need it and to kill when I order it.”

“And when you can no longer run the family? No one can lead if you won’t teach us to do more.”

“You have X poking his nose into our affairs.”

“I do.” I was glad he’d realized. That showed he was paying attention. “We’ll find Arturo, and we’ll punish Franco and anyone else responsible.”

“If they hurt my boy…”

“They will regret it. I swear to you. I’ll be on my way as soon as I let Grant know I’m leaving.” And Rhys? Would I have the nerve to face him? Would it be easier if I just disappeared from his life?

“No. You stay right where you are. I told you. You’re not leaving the ranch until I tell you to.”