Page 58 of The Reaper

“I’m not going to talk about it if you’re just going to mock me.”

He pressed his lips together in a terrible attempt to look like he was going to listen seriously.

I pushed my chair back and rose, grabbing the now empty pie plate.

“Wait.” He wrapped his hand around my upper arm. “Tell me.”

The words were low and soft, different from the way he said them in bed, but they had the same damn effect on me. This time I was going to fight it. “I should get some sleep.”

“I want to know, and I like talking to you.”

Damn, he really knew exactly what to say. It wasn’t that Grant and Rogue didn’t like conversing with me, but they both liked doing a hell of a lot more talking than listening. TJ wasn’t like that.

“Fine, but I’m putting this in the sink before one of us starts licking it.”

“Maybe you should leave it because the only other thing I want to lick here is you.”

I raised my brows. “You’ve got to be as exhausted as I am. I know you were helping Rogue most of the day.”

“He found plenty for me to do, but I could have kept going.”

“You need sleep as much as I do.”

“But I don’t have to be up as early as you, and I find what we’ve been doing is way more exciting than sleep.”

“I’ll risk it.” I took the pie plate to the sink, rinsed it, and stuck it in the dishwasher. Then I leaned against the counter out of TJ’s reach. “Rogue and I can’t read each other’s thoughts, not like a psychic in a movie, but I can usually tell when Rogue is in serious danger or pain, and he’s the same way with me. When I got shot—”

“The scar on your shoulder?”

I nodded. “I found out he’d been frantically trying to get in touch with me because he knew something was wrong. He’d finally gotten to talk to Grant, but it still took a while to convince him I’d be fine. When he got a serious concussion falling off a bull, I had to argue with my commander so I could contact him. I finally got through to one of his friends, but it was days before I had the reassurance of hearing his voice.”

TJ looked fascinated rather than amused. “That’s incredible.”

“You believe me?”

“I do. I don’t think everything in this world has an explanation or at least not one we know of yet. Aunt Van is sure her house, which used to belong to my Nonna, is haunted, and I can’t say she’s wrong.”

“I’ve seen some things in the barn where I worked. I wouldn’t rule that out either.”

“What other cool things can you and Rogue do? Did you have your own language as kids or something?”

“Not that I remember, though Grant says I was the only one who could really understand Rogue until he was almost three, and I did most of the talking for him. Now we can read each other easily. It’s not mind reading. I can’t hear the words he’s thinking or anything, but we just know things. It’s not too different from people who’ve been married forever and can say whole paragraphs with eye contact and facial expressions.”

Why in the hell was I now wondering how long I’d have to be together with TJ before we had a similar connection or if it could ever happen? It wasn’t like I really knew what long-term relationships were like.

“Are you all right?” TJ asked.

Damn, I was so tired I hadn’t even tried to hide the disappointment I was feeling, knowing he would leave and I’d go back to occasional hookups. I still didn’t think I had the time or inclination for a real relationship, but TJ made me think about it. “I’m fine, just really tired. I should go on to bed.”

“Without any more licking?”

I raised my brows.

“You know you never get enough.”

“True, but I don’t get enough sleep either.”

“Fine, I’ll have mercy on you this time.”