I let out a grunt confirming his assumption because there is no reason to deny it now.
“So fuck her.” He muses, finishing up his scotch.
“She’s my employee and watches over my kids.”
“And? I slept with my employee look how well that worked out.” He shrugs.
This fucker. “If I remember correctly, you kept playing with Ella’s heart because you thought it was what was best for the company. The only reason you two are even together is because you got your head out of your ass when you almost lost her.”
Besides, what Bennett and Ella went through is completely different from what is going on with me and Arianna. The biggest difference being that besides the sex, there is nothing going on between me and Arianna.
Fleeting looks.
Urge to talk and to hear her voice.
I ignore those thoughts and finish up my drink.
“Okay, fine. Me and Ella are the exception. But you sleeping with the nanny wouldn’t hurt. It’s not like you’ve been celibate since Angelina died. From what you’ve told me, you’ve enjoyed a night or two with the woman from the club.”
I should tell him who she is. I should tell my friend that my new nanny is Joseph Vitale’s daughter. The daughter of the man that has the Chicago police department suspecting I killed.
I may have been involved with the man, but that doesn’t mean that I called the hit. They don’t believe me, no matter how much I tell them. The only reason they haven’t arrested me is because they haven’t found evidence to pin it on me, and they never will.
“Honor was different, that was a distraction from my dead wife and life. With the nanny, it feels as if I’m cheating on Angelina every time that I look at her.”
That is something that I realized this morning when I woke up with her wrapped up in my arms.
I looked at the woman and for the first time in months, I didn’t miss Angelina the way I should have. Nothing in my mind was telling me that what I had done was wrong. It felt as if Arianna belonged in my arms, and I shouldn’t let her go.
When that thought came crashing in, I got out of that bed as fast as I could.
In those moments, I was going to put what had happened between us behind me and move the fuck on. But then I saw her with the kids, and I wanted her all over again.
Now all I’m feeling is guilt because I shouldn’t be forgetting about my wife so quickly.
“Angelina would want you to be happy. She would want you to get out of this life, raise the kids the best you could and be happy.”
“Pretty sure she wouldn’t want that to happen with the twenty-four-year-old nanny.” I grunt out.
“Does she care about your kids?”
I don’t even have to think about the answer before I’m nodding yes. Arianna really does care about the kids.
“Then what’s the big deal? No reason to get your feelings involved. I say just sleep with her and see what happens. Nothing wrong with that.”
Nothing wrong with that.
Those words are so simple to say, but yet even I know there are so many things wrong with this situation.
So many fucking things.
Dante wasn’t lying when he said that he would be coming home late from his meeting.
It’s currently eight at night and I’m in Alessandra’s room reading her a story. It’s as she’s about to fall asleep, that I hear the front door open.
Knowing that the security guards don’t come into the house unless their boss is home, and Evelyn being at the club tonight, I know it’s Dante.