To just go to the park and watch them play and not worry about which cop was on my tail or which of one of my men was stealing money from the family.
For a few short hours, I wasn’t one of the elite members of the society. I wasn’t a mafia man that everyone is afraid of. For a few hours, I was just a dad and it was fucking amazing.
After taking the kids to the park, I was able to call a favor at the children’s museum and took them to see the dinosaur exhibit.
Both Alessandra and Angel smiled and laughed the whole time, that it made me realize that I needed to spend time more with them.
Yes, I spend time with them every day. I take Alessandra to school, and I still got up with Angel at five in the morning, but I need to do more. I need to be more of a father and less of a club owner and a mob boss. I needed to take days off and solely concentrate on my kids because then I will miss everything.
Or if I’m ever killed, they won’t have those times to remember.
I have to try better.
After the museum, I took them to eat and grab some ice cream and now we are driving through the gates at the estate, both of them fast asleep.
When we pull to the front of the house, Evelyn is out front waiting for us.
“I thought that you weren’t coming back until tomorrow.” I say to her instead of a greeting when I open the door and slide out.
“I was but my parents wanted to start their Hawaii trip early so I came back.” She answers, giving me a nod.
Evelyn is a valuable employee, so when she asked me for a week off, I gave it to her. I would have given her a whole month off if she asked, but she knows that I would be lost without her.
I give her a nod back and start taking the kids out of the car. Evelyn takes Angel and I take Alessandra, carrying them upstairs so they can finish up their nap before I wake them up for dinner.
Once each of the kids is settled in their rooms and I have the baby monitors, Evelyn and I make out way back downstairs.
“Alessandra spoke today.” I say as I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water.
The fridge is stocked up, something that I’m sure Evelyn had taken care of as soon as she got in.
My assistant looks at me with surprise. “Really?” She asks, excitement coating her voice.
I nod. “I had given Arianna the rest of the day off this morning, and she had said bye to the kids and Alessandra repeated it. It was small, but just hearing it was like a wave of relief going through me.”
What I don’t tell her is that wave of relief led to me kissing the nanny and wanting to take it further.
If Evelyn finds out, she would scold me to the point that it would make even me scour for cover.
“That makes me so happy.” Evelyn comes over to me and gives me a hug of excitement. A hug that feels like a big sister being happy for her niece.
Completely different from the embrace that I experienced with Arianna.
I really need to forget about that, or I’m going to need to take another shower today.
Besides, nothing can come from it.
Arianna is my employee and that is all she will ever be. Especially given the fact that I have still not found out why she was here in the first place. Something that I need to fasten the pace on before she does something that will have me living with the consequences.
“I’m happy about it too.” I tell Evelyn after returning the hug.
“And you told me not to hire the girl. I knew it was going to be a good thing for Alessandra.”
I shake my head. “I’m still on the fence on it but if she continues to speak, then I will admit it then that you are right.”
Evelyn just rolls her eyes.
Because it’s Sunday, and my chef doesn’t work on Sundays, I decide to make dinner.