He’s right, he hasn’t.
After I sent out the message that I had an in with Rosetti and needed fake documents, communication has been nonexistent once I got what I needed.
I blame it on the fact that I’ve been spending time with the kids and developing a crush on their father, because that’s what that is. A crush.
A stupid, silly crush that needs to go away.
“Yeah, I’ve been a little busy, but I wanted to talk to you about something.” I state.
Gallo looks at me and then gives me a nod, waving me to take a seat in the chair in front of him.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“I need help trying to find information that will helps us bring Rosetti down. I don’t know where to look or what to even look for and everything is so guarded. I need direction.”
I’m not lying, I have no idea what to do. Once I was able to get inside of the house, I thought it would be easy, that information would come flowing out. That all I would have to do, was grab a small snippet of information and Gallo would do the rest.
But that has become more difficult than I thought it would.
Dante being the mob boss that he is, he doesn’t do or say things without thinking about it first. If a phone call comes through, he either leaves the house all together or just ignores it. If someone comes into the house wanting to talk to him, they go outside or into his office, which by the way is soundproof.
His office and bedroom are always locked and the one time I tried to go to the basement my first week living in the house, I was stopped by Dante himself.
Finding anything to bring him down is becoming hard and I’m sure it’s only going to get harder from here.
“Does he trust you?” Gallo ask, looking bored.
“I take care of his children.” I answer.
“Not with his demon spawns. Does he trust you being in his house without supervision? Does he trust you to leave you alone without any distractions for hours on end? Have you given him reason to doubt why you are there?”
The words Dante spewed at me on my first day working for him come back to me.
I haven’t trusted you from the second you stepped foot into my club. You may be the nanny, but you are here for a reason.
From the very beginning, Dante has told me that he didn’t trust me. He told me that he knew that I was there for a reason, and he was going to find out what it was.
I don’t know why, but I thought that since I was spending more time with the kids, taking care of the most important people in his life, even picking up Allie from school every other day, he trusted me.
But now that Gallo is asking the hard questions, I know that Dante Rosetti doesn’t trust me. He may let me watch his kids but there is always someone there looking over us when I’m at the house alone. Either his bodyguards are by the entrance and checking in every few minutes or Evelyn is working from her office at the house.
I don’t have his full trust and that’s why I’m not able to find anything on the man. If I don’t have that, then I won’t be getting revenge for my father.
Fuck, I’m screwed.
“Make him trust you.” Gallo says after I take long to respond. The answers to his questions must be written all over my facial expression. “Make him think that you aren’t there for information. Let him see you for something else than the nanny that was a little too eager to take the job. And once you do that, he will let you in and then you will get what we need. Once he trusts you, will destroy the fucker. You just have to do the work.”
Make him trust you.
I can do that, I think.
But how?
How the fuck to I make Dante Rosetti trust me enough for me to destroy him?
I didn’t know how much I needed to just spend a day with my kids and not worry about all the little things that are going on in life.