The sounds that are coming around me though aren’t the least of my concerns. What I’m most worried about is the fact that Emilio Castro is standing way to close to my liking.
One month.
One more fucking month until the wedding.
Yeah, you heard that correctly, in one month I will be marrying Emilio Castro. About five months ago, my father came to me and told me that I needed to pick a date for my wedding, that I was taking too long. That I had until June, which is about eleven months after his stupid announcement, to have a wedding. Anything after that, he would be forcing my hand and picking a day himself.
I guess there’s something about weddings that make my father tick. Since the wedding that he had me plan for Serena and Leo fell through.
All that work for nothing.
So naturally after speaking to Santos and my brother, who somehow also now knows about our secret relationship, and they told me what they needed to do, I picked the date. In June because I was going to prolong this as much as I could.
Now I’m a month away from this fucked up wedding, which by the way is all planned for, and I’m in a damn gun range with my future husband. Not even an inch closer to leaving this whole arrangement than I was in November.
A part of me wonders what exactly my brother and Santos are doing that they haven’t been able to put a stop to this yet.
Another part of me wonders if I turn a few inches to the side if I can kill Emilio myself. I’m holding a Desert Eagle after all.
“I’m impressed. You’ve hit right on the target every single time.” Emilio muses from next to me.
No shit, sherlock. Do you really think that I would be born into a cartel family, date a cartel soldier for years and not know how to shoot a gun?
I’ve been able to hold my own when it comes to weaponry for years.
I shrug. “Something that my father made sure we knew what to do.” More like Cristiano Reyes, but he doesn’t get to know that information.
“Hmmm.” Emilio hums before he steps closer to me, his hand landing on the small of my back.
I want to cringe, I want to put as much space between our bodies that I can, but I don’t. Why? Because my father ordered me to treat my future husband like he’s on a freaking pedestal.
Emilio wishes he was held that high.
“I would have thought that it was your boy toy that had taught you how to properly hold a gun.” Emilio speaks into my ear and I try really hard not to shudder.
“Whatever he taught me, is none of your business.” I try to square my shoulders a tiny bit to put distance between me and him, but it doesn't work.
Emilio comes closer to me. I can feel his fingers digging into my waist and even though I’m wearing high waisted jeans, it feels like he’s touching skin.
The gun that I have in my hands has one bullet left in the chamber.
I can just turn and add to the scar that he has from when Leo shot him all the months ago.
“That’s where you are wrong, bebé. If that bastard taught you something, I have to know. Have to protect myself if you end up using it against me.”
The second that his teeth meet my earlobe, I pull the trigger, letting the sound of the shot ring out through the room.
I throw my elbow back, hitting Emilio in the stomach as I lower the gun to the small shelf in front of me. I do all the safety measures and take off my earmuffs before I turn to face him.
He has a smirk on his face that if I still had a loaded weapon in my hands, I would shoot off.
“Don’t ever call me bebé again.” I say through gritted teeth, stepping closer to him so that his men don’t hear what I’m about to say next. “I’m nothing to you and it’s going to stay that way. I don’t give a rat’s ass what kind of deal you have with my father, but you will never own me. Get that through you’re fucking head right now.” I shove him out of the way and surprisingly he steps back. With a snarl on his face but he steps back either way.
I grab my gun, yes, the eagle I was just shooting is mine. One of the many perks of having a residence in the state of Texas. With it in hand, I walk out of the shoot range without a backwards glance.
My guess is that Emilio brought me here to scare me, so that I could go running to my brother and Santos and tell him what a good shot he has.
A scare tactic that didn’t work.