I don’t even think it’s a question.
I know that I will help. If we are able to succeed in doing this, then not only will Ronaldo pay for everything that he has done, but that would mean that Emilio will be taken care of too.
There is nothing to think about. But I do have to do something. Something that might push Leo even harder to do this.
“I’ll help you take down Ronaldo.” His expression of anger and frustration turns into one of pride and thankfulness. “If we also take down Emilio.”
I had to throw it in there. There is no way in hell that asshole is staying alive much longer.
“We’ll take care of him. He will never even get a chance to say that he’s Ronaldo’s son-in-law.”
“That’s all good and peachy but that’s not the only reason that I want to take him down.”
There’s a change in my tone of voice and I know that Leo hears it by the way his whole-body stiffens. He just went from a normal man to the one of the most feared men in the world.
“You have another reason?”
I nod. Here goes nothing.
“He killed my father and I think that Ronaldo was the one that called the order.”
The silence that fills the room is fucking ire. I’m sure that someone out in the warehouse can drop a pin and we would be able to hear it in here.
I watch as my friend digests what I just told him. It’s like watching a cycle of emotions make their appearance, all in a span of a few minutes.
He finally settles on anger when he grabs a glass that is sitting in front of him and throws it against the wall. He even gets up from his chair and starts to pace the room.
“Are you sure?” he asks mid stride. All the while I stay seated.
“Yeah, one hundred percent. I found an image of the shooter a few years ago, the only thing that I could get from it was the fact that he had a tattoo on his hand. The same tattoo that so happens to be on Emilio’s pudgy hand.”
I tell him as he continues to pace. Even without having the tattoo in front of me I can describe every single detail.
“And the Ronaldo connection?” Leo is now biting his nails as he paces.
“I haven’t figured it out yet. But it’s only a matter of time.”
Leo finally stops pacing, thank God because I was about to call Serena to calm him down, and comes to stand in front of me, leaning against the desk.
“There has to be more to this arrangement than we know of.” He states, crossing his arms over his chest, looking very much like a man that can run a cartel.
“It has to be something. There’s a reason why Ronaldo chose Emilio to marry Isabella, that wasn’t just something that he decided on a whim. There also has to be more as to why he asked him to go after Serena and why he stopped me from doing any more damage to him.”
I’ve been wondering why Ronaldo chose the Castro cartel to take under his wing, over all the other small cartels in Mexico. The man had options, but why did he go after this one? But the biggest question of them all is, how did he end up choosing Emilio for his daughter? The man has everyone and anyone in his back pocket, but why this bastard that has nothing to offer him?
“We have to figure it out, and we have to do it before those church bells ring.”
Couldn’t agree more.
“No way in hell am I going to let Isabella get stuck in a life with him.”
If Isabella is going to marry anyone is going to be me.
1 month before wedding
The sound of gunshots ring in my ears even with these stupid earmuffs that are covering them.