It all makes my head spin. Spin to the point that I’m seeing black spots.
“I think I need to go home,” I say.
That is before my eyes close, and everything goes dark.
I watch her as she sleeps all curled up in her seat as we fly to Austin.
After she announced that she wanted to go home, she ended up fainting. My guess is all the events from the day, finally catching up with her.
I can’t fault her for it either. It was one thing after another after another, her body was most likely tired of everything.
The wedding.
The shooting of Emilio.
The fight between me and Ronaldo.
Ronald dragging Camila out with him.
It was all too much. I would have fainted with her, especially with all the blows to the face that I received.
We were able to wake her up after the priest gave us some essence to run under her nose. It worked, she woke up, and as soon as she was stable enough to stand up, Serena helped her out of the dress, and we left the church.
The atmosphere outside of the church was not like it was before the ceremony started. The families that were out in the time square enjoying their day, were no longer there. There was no children’s laughter filling the air or any music playing in the background. It was as if the enjoyment that was going on only an hour or so before, never happened.
The one thing that surprised me even more than the townspeople nowhere to be seen, was the fact that the Castro Family was nowhere to be seen as well. You would think that when their son was shot during his wedding there would be hell to pay.
Which reminds me that we have yet to know if Emilio is even still alive or not.
When I pulled the trigger, I aimed it directly at his chest. If I was going to shoot the fucker might as well go all out, since shooting him in the head would have been too messy.
I felt the shot as it left the gun and I saw the second that it hit his body. There was silence before there was chaos and all I could concentrate on was on Isabella.
I watched her as she looked at what was happening around her and tried to put everything together. She didn’t freak out. No, she was lost in her own mind before Leo whisked her away when people started to rush the altar.
Now here we are flying in a private plane owned by the Morales family heading to Austin, where we will wait for any sign of retaliation.
The curtain separating the two sections of the plane opens up and Leo’s head pops through.
“She still sleeping?” he asks, coming over, brushing her hair back slightly before coming to sit next to me.
“Yeah, it’s been a long day.” I check my watch, we’ve only been up in the air for about fifteen minutes, but Isabella has been asleep since the second we got in the car to drive to the hangar. With me carrying her onto the plane.
Leo nods. “I just talked to Camila. She’s crying and doesn’t want to be at the estate by herself the rest of the summer. She doesn’t even want to be within a hundred miles of Ronaldo. She wants out.”
Camila has always been like a little sister to me. So, when I saw Ronaldo grab her arm and yank her out of the room, I wanted to go after him and beat him like he did to me.
It was clear in her face that she was terrified of her father and now she’s there alone with him.
“We’ll figure something out. We’ll get her out of Ronaldo's grasp.” Hopefully I can keep that promise.
“I sure fucking hope so.” All I could do is nod.
We are silent for a few seconds before Leo clears his throat. “I’m calling a meeting with Rolando. We need to get our lines straight if we want to continue having a successful business. We also need to show him where we stand and tell him that we aren’t going to be taking his shit any longer.”
Again, I nod.