Before I can think about it any further, all the horror of my life pours out of me while Brady listens silently, not interrupting once. His biggest flex is being the best listener on the planet, and really hearing what you’re saying rather than waiting for his turn to speak.
I tell him about my ex stealing from me, the black Chevy, the cabin burning down, Scout’s horrific death, and how goddamn scared I’ve been.
And Gavin.
Sparing any details that would offend his brotherly ears, I try my best to explain my newfound relationship status.
When I finally pause for a breath, all I can hear for a few beats is Brady’s steady breathing.
“I have one question,” he says softly.
“Just one?”
“To start.”
“Why thehelldidn’t you call me sooner? Jesus Christ, Ashley, you need to come to Italy and stay with me like yesterday.”
He’s my little brother and I’m fiercely protective over him, but he’s always returned the favor and gone to the ends of the earth for me.
When he was backpacking through Europe with friends and fell in love with Italy, I was both excited for him and devastated because I just knew he wouldn’t come home.
And he didn’t.
I hate not getting to see him in person very often, but we make a point to stay in touch through technology. Although, I guess I’ve failed in that regard as of late.
“I’m not coming to Italy, though I appreciate the offer,” I reply. “I’m sorry that I didn’t call you. I should have. It’s just that there’s nothing you can do from there–”
“Have you heard of emotional support?” Brady demands. “Plus, I would have flown to you or flown you out here. And you know it. You can always, always count on me. Jesus, Ashley.”
“I’m tired of running,” I reply. “Wherever I go next, that’s where I want to stay. I want to put down roots, start a family, and just live a normal life.”
“With Gavin? I’ve always liked him.”
“It’s because of me that his dog is dead, and only God knows what else is going to happen until I leave the state.”
“Let’s definitely meet in California before the holidays,” Brady suggests. “I need to see you.”
My brother hasn’t worked a traditional job in years. He’s a social media influencer because people are fascinated by non-traditional lives, and he never stays in one place too long.
“I’ll pay,” Brady continues. “You need to financially recover after what dickhead did.”
I don’t protest because he’s right, and our relationship is all about give and take. I’d sacrifice anything in the world if he needed me to.
“Are you coming to visit alone?” I ask.
“Yeah, it will just be me, though there are some people I want to visit stateside. Some of my friends are flying to Barcelona for the holidays, and I’m going to meet them there. I just want to make a stop in California to see my amazing sister first.”
“You make my life feel very boring.”
Brady laughs. “You can work from anywhere now, too. I’m telling you, Europe is calling your name. Join me.”
As much as I love the idea of being a jet setter and experiencing new cultures at every turn, I also crave stability and a place to call my own. Brady doesn’t get attached to the places he rents, but I want to buy a house that’smineand always have a home base.
“Are you going to stay in Barcelona or go back to Italy?”
“Who knows,” Brady replies. “I’ll decide when I get there.”