I can’t even imagine a life like his, but I’m so grateful that he gets to live it.
“I’ll join you for vacations,” I reply. “Maybe I’ll just stay in California for good. There’s no sense flying back to Montana after our vacation, so I might as well permanently escape winter.”
“How would Gavin feel about you doing that?” Brady asks softly, and the question makes my chest way too tight.
“I don’t know,” I return, “But this time, I’m going to talk to him about it.”
Brady confirms that he’ll email me travel details and a ticket. Despite the dreadfulness surrounding me right now, I’m really looking forward to spending some time with him. I’ll have to make sure that we visit each other more often from now on.
“I love you,” Brady says. “Can’t wait to see you.”
“Love you, too.”
Gavin must be wrecked today trying to get work done while grieving Scout. He decided not to take any time off, which is just as well since I needed to get some work done, too.
But there’s also something else I need to do.
Ashley:Hey, sexy cowboy.
Gavin:Hey, sexy girl.
Ashley:Can I borrow a car today?
Gavin:What’s in it for me?
Ashley:Whatever you want.
Gavin:In that case, yes. But what’s up? Where are you going?
Ashley:I have to head to the city.
Gavin:Need me to come with you?
Ashley:I know you’re swamped.
Gavin:Never too busy for you. I want to keep you safe.
Ashley:Don’t worry. I’ll be careful, and no one we know will be where I’m going. It will be fine.
Gavin:If you’re sure. Come kiss me before you leave. I’m putting the keys in my pocket, so you’ll have to find them.
Ashley:See you in an hour, cowboy.
I find Gavin in the biggest barn feeding the horses and, goddamn, why are cowboys so sexy? I just stand there watching him work for a good five minutes before he turns his head and catches me staring at him.
“Like what you see?” he asks, with a wink.
“I love what I see.”
And I loveyou.
I’m dying to say it again, but now it’s the light of day and we aren’t quite so shaken and vulnerable. The words are still true, but maybe he just needed them when he was at his lowest.
Now we’re on the other side of that horrible night, and maybe he wants to pretend the words were never spoken.
“Come here.”
I rush into his arms and my hands move all over his body, loving every single rock-hard edge. He’s in his regular uniform of jeans, a flannel and boots, and he’s sexy as hell in it.