"It's okay. Things will get better soon," Bridget insists, leading me to a sitting area.
Everything's brand new and luxurious. There's been no money spared, just like at Biagio's. I turn to her, inquiring, "Is this your bedroom?"
She smiles. "No, this is Dante's and my wing. It's our guest bedroom."
I take a deep breath, looking around.
"Sit down," Arianna commands, then asks, "Do you want me to have some food brought up?"
My stomach growls as if it can hear her.
When's the last time I ate an actual meal?
I answer, "Please. Just no chicken or grapefruit."
Arianna studies me and then suggests, "How about some lasagna and garlic bread? If I recall correctly, you love our chef's lasagna and garlic bread."
"He just made some cannoli, too," Bridget adds.
The scent of garlic, cheese, and tomato sauce that terrorized me at the restaurant resurfaces, flaring in my nostrils.
"Please," I reply.
Arianna chirps, "Great! I'll be right back!" She leaves the room.
Bridget picks up a blanket and drapes it over me. She hesitates then clears her throat. "I don't want to intrude, but did he harm you?"
Her question makes me sob again. I manage to choke out, "He was mean, threatened to burn my eyes out, and was going to force me to sleep with him tonight."
Bridget tugs me into her. I cry for several minutes, and she murmurs, "I'm glad you're here. We've all been so worried about you."
I retreat from her embrace. "Are you sure it's safe here?"
Her face turns even more serious. "I swear on my children's lives. This is the safest place to be."
"You have children?"
She pulls her phone out of her pocket, swipes the screen, and a photo of a teenage boy and girl pops up. She states, "This is Fiona and Sean, Jr."
"Have I met them before?"
I close my eyes, revealing, "I don't remember them."
She clasps her hand over mine. "Do you remember anything?"
"No. And I don't know why. I woke up from the accident and Biagio and Kiko were there. I was in some dumpy room. I stayed there for a long time. Biagio told me I got in an accident with Tristano when he tried to kidnap me."
"Tristano did not kidnap you," she assures in a stern voice and adds, "He loves you so much."
I open my mouth, shut it, then ask, "Do I love him?"
Love fills her expression. She replies, "You agreed to marry him. But we don't really know the whole situation."
More confused, I ask, "What do you mean?"
She pauses then responds, "You work for Dante. You and Tristano hid your relationship from him."