Page 169 of Carnal


She shrugs. "I was hoping you could tell me that."

I rack my brain, but nothing pops up.

Is that why Dante looks familiar?

I swallow the lump in my throat, questioning, "So what do I do for Dante?"

She grins. "You're his right hand. He can't survive without you."

"He can't?"

She softly laughs. "Nope. He's going crazy not having you work with him. Plus, you've been with him forever."

I still have no recollection. I doubtfully ask, "Really?"

"Yeah, since you were eighteen. You're the only person he's ever had work for him who stuck around. All of his brothers have tried to steal you, but you're pretty loyal to him."

"I am?"

"Yes! You sure are. And, girl, you run the ship."

Something about that statement makes me happy. "Well, I sound fabulous."

She laughs again. "Yes, you are fabulous."

My smile fades. "Why can't I remember anything?"

She strokes my hair. "Don't worry, Pina. Everything will eventually come back."

I state my biggest fear. "How do you know? What if I can never again remember my life?"

"If that happens, you'll figure out how to deal with it. You're one of the smartest and strongest women I know. Give it some time. But while you're figuring things out, I want to reiterate that you're safe here. Nothing's going to happen that you don't want to happen. Understand?"

I sniffle. "Okay. Thank you."

There's a knock on the door.

I jump.

Bridget pats my hand. "Don't worry, it's just Silvio."

"Who's Silvio?"

She rises. "He's the Marino family doctor."

Wait, what? I'm in the Marino house?

All the things I heard in the Abruzzo household about the Marinos come flying at me, creating more fear.

Bridget asserts, "Yes, but you're safe. We're not the Abruzzos."

Something about Bridget's calm demeanor relaxes me a bit.

The door opens and an older man with gray hair walks in. I pull my knees up to my chest and hug them.

He softly greets, "Hey, Pina, how are you doing?"