Page 131 of Carnal

My insides quiver. I lock eyes with Dante, open my mouth, and then shut it.

"What?" he asks.

Tristano grinds his molars.

My mind spins with what to say. I finally state, "There have been too many traitors. I don't want anyone to guard me except Tristano, your other brothers, or you."

From the corner of my eyes, I see Tristano's face fall.

I concentrate on Dante. He sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Pina, besides Bridget, her kids, and my family, you're the most important person in my life. Hell, you're part of our family. I wouldn't have anyone protect you who I wouldn't have protect Bridget, her kids, or my sister. Guido is the best. His track record and loyalty are impeccable. You'll be safe with him."

"So I get no say in this?" I question.

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to trust that I know what's best for you," he declares and walks away.

Tense silence grows. Tristano shakes his head at me when Dante is out of sight, scowling. "Why didn't you tell him?"

"I—you said I had until after the wedding," I claim, but it sounds weak.

Tristano's face darkens. "How am I going to see you now?"

"We'll figure it out," I say.

Tristano scoffs then lowers his voice. "Sure, Pina. Have a good time with Guido." He turns and walks away.

"Tristano!" I call after him.

He looks back at me. All I see is his disappointment and hurt.

And I want to crawl into a hole and never come out.



A Few Weeks Later

Since returning from the Maldives,I've barely seen Pina. The new guy, Guido, never leaves her side. A few days ago, I went over to her condo. I always claim I have business to discuss with her, but it doesn't allow me to spend the night. Within minutes of arriving, Papà called to tell me I had to go to the club. All it did was add to Pina's and my already stressful situation.

Not seeing her every day is driving me crazy. And Papà knows about us. Somehow, he figured it out. He won't disclose how, but he called me out on it a few weeks ago. He told Massimo and me that Dante and Gianni were picking up Leo Abruzzo and Fat Tony to bring them to the dungeon. Massimo and I were upset he didn't disclose it to us, and I stated it was unfair.

My comment set Papà off. His eyes turned to dark slits. He jabbed me in the chest, barking, "Unfair? Don't you dare talk to me about disclosure! Or did you already fully inform your brother of your personal affairs?"

Goose bumps popped out on my skin. I stayed quiet, wondering how he knew.

Papà put his hand on my cheek. "You need to grow up. Real men don't hide things from their family—especially a woman."

"This isn't only about what I want," I stated.

"Pina is like a daughter to me. If you mistreat her—"

"Are you serious? You think I'd do that?"

He didn't say anything.

"Thanks a lot," I seethed, staring him down.

Massimo moved the subject back to Leo and Fat Tony. Yet, I wasn't off the hook with Papà. A few days later, he ordered me to his office, demanding I tell Dante about Pina and me. Then he interrogated me about our relationship.