Page 130 of Carnal

Why can't I just tell everyone and stop worrying about what they'll think about me?

Time seems to drag by. I return to pacing the hallway, pissed at myself for being so weak.How can I be so strong in every part of my life except for this?

When Tristano and Dante finally step out into the hallway, my stomach is in knots. Both brothers look equally upset.

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying not to look at Tristano too long but trying to get a read on the situation.

Dante motions at the same corner where Massimo and I spoke. We make our way over, and he seethes, "That bastard Biagio showed up at the docks today."

The blood drains from Tristano's cheeks. "He crossed the line?"

Dante steps closer and glances behind his shoulder then lowers his voice. "He told Rubio to give us all a message."

"What?" I ask, touching the wall to steady myself. I had forgotten about Biagio. Crossing into the Marino territory at the docks means he's not going to back away. It's a crime family unspoken rule that you don't trespass at the docks.

Dante stares at Tristano, sniffs hard, then states, "He's coming after all of us."

"Let him try," Tristano sneers.

"You aren't the one I'm worried about," Dante asserts.

My stomach somersaults so fast, I get dizzy. I reach for Tristano's arm and grasp it.

Dante continues, "Giuseppe sent new men. They arrived this morning. His top guy is Guido. From now on, he goes everywhere you do, Pina."

My eyes dart between Dante and Tristano.

"We don't know this guy. I'll continue guarding her," Tristano states.

Dante shakes his head. "Papà knows him. He says he's one of the best. You'll resume your other duties."

"We can't risk anything happening to Pina. I can do my job and watch her. I've been doing it for months," Tristano claims.

"Guido will take over security for Pina. He's more qualified than you are," Dante claims.

Tristano jerks his head backward. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Dante's eyes turn to slits. "No. He's guarded Giuseppe for years."

"If he's so good, why did that fat fucker send him here?" Tristano seethes.

"Do not disrespect Giuseppe," Dante orders.

Tristano scoffs. "When did you become Papà?"

"Shut up, Tristano." Dante turns to me. "Pina, you'll be safe. You go nowhere without Guido, understand?"

I gape at him. If Guido is going to guard me, how will I see Tristano? I keep glancing between the brothers.

"Pina?" Dante pushes.

"Tell him," Tristano demands.

I gasp, shocked he's doing this after promising to give me until after the wedding.

Dante crosses his arms. "Tell me what?"

Tristano arches his eyebrows at me.