"Don't play dumb, little brother," I warn.
"Get off your high horse."
I take a sharp turn, and my tires squeal. "I'm on my way home. Meet me in my office in fifteen."
"Sorry. Not home."
"You better get your ass home," I threaten.
He snorts. "Don't tell me what to do."
"This isn't a game, Massimo. I want answers about who these buyers are, and I want them now," I shout.
"They're fine. I vetted them. End of story," he claims.
"No. It's the end of the story when I say it is. I want all the details, and don't keep me waiting."
"Sorry. I'm across town and have other responsibilities today. If there's something you want to know, ask."
Rage fills me. "Massimo, I'm warning you. If you don't come home so we can discuss this, I'm going to Papà with this information."
"Yes. You've overstepped. Now get your ass in my office," I order.
"As I said, if you have questions, ask. I have too much to do to deal with your temper tantrum. Talk to you later," he states and hangs up before I can respond.
"Motherfucker!" I scream and hit the wheel. I try calling him back, but he sends me to voicemail.
I text him.
Me:How did you even meet them?
I get all the way home before he replies.
Massimo:I know people.
I take another deep anger-filled breath. My brother's new attitude is going to get him in trouble. I start to wonder why he's acting like this. Then it hits me.
A claw scrapes in my gut. I close my eyes, count to thirty, then text him.
Me:She introduced you. Didn't she?
He doesn't respond, and the horrible feeling I have expands exponentially.
Me:Answer me!
But I never get an answer. When I walk inside, the first person I see is my tesoro.
"Baby, you okay?" she asks.
I straighten my shoulders and nod. "All good. Hold on a second."
I text Pina.
Me:Did you get it done?
Pina:I was just about to text you that you're all set.