My breath hitches. It's the third time I've held an internally flawless diamond. In the past, I sold them. Thankfully, this one is larger than what I could have given Cara. Also, at first glance, I can appreciate Ettore's precision when he set it.
Several moments pass and then Rubio questions, "Are you going to say anything?"
I spin the ring in the light again, straining to find some flaw, but there's nothing the naked eye can see. I don't take my eyes off the round, brilliant-cut and answer, "It's beyond perfect."
Rubio chuckles. "Cara's going to flip when she sees it."
I inspect the band. Per my instructions, Ettore engraved part of what I had put on the collar—Forever means forever.I put it in the pouch, stick it in my pocket, then pat Rubio on the back. "You did good. It's incredible."
He puffs his chest. "Told you I'd come through for you."
"That you did. Now, how's the rest of the African shipment? Did we get it out of the port?"
"Still working on it. Our suppliers said they're laying low because their customs are still ransacking shipments. They plan on setting off tonight."
My chest tightens. More money is in that shipment than anything I've ever procured before. My buyers are throwing a fit that it isn't here yet. And I'm getting worried I'll lose them if it doesn't arrive soon. I glance around the warehouse then step closer to Rubio, lowering my voice. "As soon as it comes in, I need it rushed through processing. We can't afford to have our buyers put their cash into something else."
He nods. "Don't worry. I'm on it. But we also have the new set of buyers in our pocket if needed."
I furrow my eyebrows. "New set of buyers?"
Surprise fills Rubio's expression. "Didn't Massimo tell you?"
A bad feeling fills my gut. I count to ten then ask, "Tell me what?"
"About the new buyers he found."
Not wanting to look incompetent or like we aren't on the same page, I respond, "Yeah, he did. Sorry, I forgot. I've been a bit preoccupied lately with everything else going on. I'll talk to Massimo and make sure he still has them ready to buy in case we need them."
"All right. I've got shit to take care of, but I'll let you know when the shipment arrives," Rubio states, holding out his fist.
I bump it and leave. I get in the car, start the engine, and call Massimo.
"What's up?" he answers.
"I just spoke with Rubio. Is there anything you want to tell me?" I fume, pissed he set up a buyer without discussing them with me.
His voice matches how I'm feeling. "What would that be?"
"Don't play with me," I spout.
"This conversation is getting old."
I blurt out, "Since when do you find buyers without discussing it with me?"
"That's what this is about?"
"Damn straight," I fire back and gun it out of the loading docks.
Massimo huffs. "You called to yell at me about expanding our ability to offload?"
I hit the accelerator until the speedometer reads 130 miles per hour, but even that doesn't give me any stress relief. I bark, "We have a protocol for a reason. I'm in charge of approving the suppliers. Not you."
"Here we go," Massimo snarls.
"You have something you want to say to me?" I provoke.
He hesitates then questions, "Is there a point of this call?"