Reaching down, I pick up my margarita and polish it off fast.
Jessica does the same, putting her glass on the table by my phone. “This is going to be good.”
Pacing the living room, I wrap my arms around my waist. Then I go to the open window and stare out at the darkness. I can’t see anything for the lights inside the house, but the noise of waves crashing on the shore is the faintest shush in the distance.
“Well, don’t leave me hanging! What do you wonder, Carls?”
My chin drops, and I rub the ache in my stomach. “I wonder if it would be better just to give in to him, to take the chance, even if he’ll only break me again, rather than live this way. Alone.”
Quiet fills the house, and I’m surprised my bestie didn’t jump to her feet and do a victory dance or something. Instead, when I turn to look at her, she’s thoughtful, which I really appreciate.
“I remember how bad he hurt you.” Her voice is gentle. “I remember how you cried. I worried you might do something desperate. Or at the very least flunk out of school.”
My arms drop, and I exhale deeply. “I couldn’t do that.”
“I also think,” she continues slowly, “that love is a risk. I think when we’re young, we don’t always appreciate it the way we should. Everything comes so easy. We think because we found love once, it’s something we can find anywhere, at any time. We don’t realize what a gift it is.”
I tilt my head to the side as I study her sitting on the couch. “Sounds like you might be talking to both of us.”
“I can’t tell you what to do, Carls. I can only tell you what it looks like to me.” Rising off the couch, she walks over to where I’m standing and takes my hands. “It looks to me like Fate is giving you and Beck another chance. Only you can decide whether to take it.”
My phone buzzes on the table, and I walk over to pick it up. “Or we’ve been watching too muchXanadu.”
As if we summoned the devil by speaking of him, it’s a text from Beck.Heading to Tampa in the morning, but I’ll be back in a few days. Would you go on a date with me? Just dinner. Just to talk.
“You can never watch too muchXanadu.” Jess picks up the popcorn bowl and our empty margarita glasses. The movie has ended, and it’s time for bed. “I’ll put this stuff away.”
My brow furrows as I study his request. As far as I know, I’ll still be here in a few days. Maybe Jess is right, and Fate is giving us one more chance.
I start a reply and delete it. Then I start another, more casual reply.I should still be here. Text me when you get back, and we’ll see.
It doesn’t take any time for his reply to buzz in my hands.Thank you. I will.
“Is that your boss?” Jess’s voice at my elbow makes me jump.
“Oh, no. It’s just… something else.”
She’s suspicious, but she lets it go.
Should I trust him again? That’s the million-dollar question. It’s true he didn’t cheat on me, but he did push me away without even a word. It’s not an encouraging track record. At the same time, I was only nineteen. He was twenty-two.
My phone buzzes, and I’m ready to see what else he has to say. I have a silly fantasy of him saying he wants to see me now, coming here in his truck like he used to do. Back in the days when I’d sneak out my window and meet him in the dark.
Flipping my phone over, I’m all ready to shut it down when my blood stills in my veins. It’s a text from an unknown number, but I don’t need the number to know who this is.
Did you think I’d give up? Don’t get comfortable. You can’t hide from me, bitch.
Blinking fast at the screen, I try to swallow, but my throat is stopped.How did she get this number?
“It’s an important decision. In fact, it might be the most important decision of your life.” Jess is talking, but I have no idea about what.
She touches my arm, and I jump away, shoving my phone into my pocket so she can’t see it.
Her brow furrows, and she studies my face. “What’s wrong?”
“Sorry.” Shaking my head fast, I rub my hand over my eyes. “What did you say? I think I shouldn’t have slammed my margarita.”
Her frown melts into a smile, and she pulls me in for a hug. “Never mind. We can talk about it tomorrow. Morning comes early, and I’ve got to do Miss Jane’s weekly shampoo and set. She’ll have a fit if I’m not there at 7 am sharp.”