I hug her back, holding on for a few seconds. “I love you, Jess.”
“Love you.” Grabbing her coat, she waves as she heads out to walk home. “Come by the salon tomorrow.”
“Okay.” Chewing my lip, a ghost of worry passes through my chest. “Text me when you get home.”
She waves, and I stand at the screen door, watching her walk down the lamplit trail. I turn the deadbolt on the back door as I scan the area around the house once more.
Ridiculous. Just because she has my phone number doesn’t mean she’s out there. It’s a Pensacola number. I’m acting the exact way I’d fuss at Ronnie for being. I’m not afraid of Alize Willis.
Taking out my phone, I study her text again. My fingers hover over the face, but I don’t reply.
“Run through the pain!” Asher drills from five rows above me. “You’re almost there.”
My quads are on fire, and I’m running the steps of the Raymond James Stadium at top speed. Sweat streams from my forehead down my neck, and I don’t have breath to speak.
My shoes pound on the concrete as I near the top, taking a sharp turn and dashing down to the next aisle. Three to go.
“You got this!” Asher yells in victory, pacing back and forth below me when he finishes. “You’re right at the end.”
I know, I scream in my head. Only two more lengths of 31 steps.Why is it so damn hot today?
How I let him convince me to do atour de stadein central Florida on the warmest day of fall is beyond me. I’m more of a low-impact, strength-training type of guy. I know how—guilt. I’m not going to make it to his annual fundraiser next weekend, and to make up for it, I might puke.
“You got this!” he shouts, clearing his throat as he hydrates.
Grinding my teeth, I press harder against the pavement, rising fast to the top. Coming back down is the easy part.
Last one. I’m moving faster than the second hand on my watch, and I focus my thoughts on this weekend, on seeing Carly again.
She said yes. It’s the surge of adrenaline I need to get me through the final round. I circle back, flying down the ramp to where Asher is waiting for me with a squeeze-bottle of Gatorade.
“You did it, man. Way to dig.” He slaps my hand, and I wobble over to the rail, bending forward.
I’m holding the green plastic bottle, but I’m too winded to drink just yet. Spraying some in my mouth, I swish and spit, still pacing to catch my breath. “Sorry I’ll miss the stair climb this year. You know I’d be there if I could.”
As a fireman, the burn foundation is near and dear to his heart.
“You made up for it today. Hell, I should’ve taken bets.”
My breath is getting closer to normal, and I nod, straightening. “At least I know you can revive me if I have a heart attack.”
He chuckles, tossing me a towel. “You’re good.”
“Funny how fast it heats up in there.”
“Imagine that times a thousand when you’re running into a burning building.” We walk slowly to the exit and out to where we parked our vehicles.
Shaking my head, I take a real drink of Gatorade. “I don’t know if you’re a hero or just plain crazy. Or both.” Then I laugh. “I know, you’re both.”
Asher holds up both hands. “What can I say? Chicks love it.”
“Check it out. I’ve got a new joke for you. Knock, knock.”
“A knock-knock joke?” His expression is skeptical. “Who’s there?”