Page 73 of Black Ice

After also drifting off to a sound sleep, he was shaken awake by Kim sometime later.

“Jack… Jack, wake up.”

He blinked a couple of times and sat up and rubbed his eye.

“What is it?”

“The detective left a message. He said he’ll give me more time.”

“Mmm, that’s great. If you’re hungry now, there’s some food. I made ya a sandwich and some potatoes.” He pointed towards the tray, but noticed the sandwiches were gone. Both of them.

“All I see is one little crumb.” She chortled.

Both of them turned to stare at Diesel, whose nose was smeared with yellow mustard. The beast glanced at them from the corner of his eye, then turned his back, facing the fire.

While he sat there seething, Kim was laughing her head off, then got up, rummaged through her purse, and pulled out a little packet of peanuts to share with him. Just as he was ready to go back to sleep, she sat up and wiggled out of his oversized shirt and boxers.

“Touch me, Jack…” Her eyes watered with need. “I want to feel you inside me…”

Chapter Fifteen

Jack was an asshole.

A king-sized asshole.

A big, hairy king-sized asshole with an impeccable, sexy ass beard.

A big, hairy, burly, impeccably groomed, sexy king-sized bastard. With asshole powers so strong, they were from another dimension.

Kim was sure of this now, despite her recent realization that she was falling head over heels for the tactless maniac. She shot him a sharp glance as she writhed around in the truck seat, arms crossed over the seat belt which was practically strangling her, dramatically showing her disapproval.

“What’s with all the eye rolling and flopping around like you’re being electrocuted?”

“It’s cold out here, and you—Ouch!”

She bounced about like a ping pong ball as they careened over another bump in the road. Angry fire ate at her. Moments ago, she’d offered herself to him, lusting for him in the worst way after one of the vilest days in her life, and instead of seizing the chance to give her what she desired, he looked at her naked body as if she were nothing special and told her to throw on some clothes for they had an errand to run.

“Couldn’t this, whatever this is, have waited? And where are we going anyway? I’ve asked you several times now.”

“I told you. An errand.”

“I want specifics. You’re acting weird. Of course, that’s not saying much since we’re talking about you,” she sniped.

“We’re almost there.” He turned on the radio then, as if to drown out any future outbursts from her, and Gin Blossoms’, ‘Hey Jealousy’ came on the air. A short time later, he pulled up to a fairly barren area in the middle of nowhere. Wherever this place was, it was spectacularly beautiful. Snow roofed the tall trees and covered the ground in a thin blanket. Jack cut off the engine but left the radio playing before exiting the vehicle.

She spun around and caught him digging around in the bed of the truck, tossing things here and there. In what she could only have called an incredible act of speed and agility, Jack walked away with his arms full, and in the near distance he set up a tent, equipped with a few blankets, some other odds and ends, and what appeared to be a small heater.

She smiled. Maybe he wasn’t such an asshole after all. He approached the truck, opened her door, and helped her out without so much as a word.

“It’s beautiful out here.” She looked up at the moon and marveled. “And that sky… wow.”

“We’re almost entering the Spring Equinox. Spring and fall are the best seasons to see the Northern Lights,” he explained as he closed the passenger door. “The auroras don’t mirror as well on the lakes in the spring because it’s cold and they’re semi-frozen, but it’s still a beautiful show. Tonight, the auroras are supposed to be nice according to this app I have. You can never be a hundred percent sure, though. We’ll have to wait and see.”

Her heart leapt with excitement as she dashed along beside him, hand in hand. He led her into the tent. The top had a sunroof zipper of sorts, and there was a back and front opening. On the inside sat two wine coolers, some water, folded sheets, a bottle of lubricant, and a lantern.

“Jack, this is so romantic.” She clasped her hands and brought them to her face in glee. “I can’t believe you thought to do this!”

He cracked an awkward smile, as if he didn’t quite know what to say, then pulled her against him and landed a soul-snatching kiss on her lips. Soon, their bodies were on the ground, tangled around one another like ropes, deepening their love. The cool weather was no match for the heat generated by their linked bodies. His rigid muscles pushed into her soft form as he pinned her down. She looked up at him, her heart beating fast, and when she tried to speak, her voice caught in her throat.