Page 72 of Black Ice

“Hello, Detective Agers speaking.”

“Hello, Detective Agers. This is Ranger Jack Currant of the Alaska Preservation, Environment and Wildlife Alliance.”

“What can I help you with, Ranger Currant?”

“You called a woman by the name of Kim Milton and let her know that you have a client, her adoptive mother, attorney Angelique Milton, who sought her location. Now, I can’t tell you how to do your job, but I can tell you that she needs more time before you blow the whistle.”

“Who are you to Ms. Kimberly Milton? Do you have any information, Ranger Currant, that I need to—”

“I’m tellin’ you that if you tell a woman who’s under investigation, for stealing a baby, that you found that same baby—who’s now a lady, and who flew clear across the country to get away from her where she is right now—it’ll be a big mistake. Anything that happens going forward will be your fault. We are both professionals. I’m not only a ranger, but a trapper and a hunter, and so are you, in your own way. We both understand that timing is everything. I am not tellin’ you to stop. I’m tellin’ you to slow down. She needs more than forty-eight hours.”

“I was hired to do a job. Unless Ms. Milton is in grave danger, then I have to report that she has been found. Is she in grave danger?”

“If I say yes, you’ll ask for specifics, and then I’ll be forced to lie. I’m not going to do that. If I say no, then you’ll ignore what I’m trying to tell you. The answer isn’t that simple. Just leave her alone for a bit. Give her some breathing room.”

He glanced out the window and saw Diesel approaching the door.

“This is unorthodox, but I’ll ask… How much additional time does she need, Ranger Currant?”

“How much are you being paid for this?”

“More than you can afford.”

“You don’t know what I can and can’t afford.”

“You’re a ranger. That’s a police officer’s salary if you’re lucky, and as an ex-cop myself, I know what that means. With all due respect, I doubt that you could match her price.”

He approached the side door and allowed Diesel back inside. The wolf shook the moisture off of his coat, then headed towards his water bowl.

“I’m more than a ranger, and you have no idea what I’m responsible for, what my income is, and what I do to earn my keep. Since you’re so good at looking shit up and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, look me up, too. RANGER. JACKSON. CURRANT. With two ‘Rs.’ Fairbanks, Alaska. You’ll find out a lot within minutes. Some of it is public record. If I didn’t work another day in my life, I’d still be better off than you. Now, you call off your hounds, or you’ll see the wolf.”

“First you try to bribe me, then you threaten me. You know better than that.” The man chuckled.

“I didn’t bribe you. I asked how much this Angelique lady was paying you. I never said I’d match or double it. That was you who made those assumptions. I also didn’t threaten you. I do have a wolf, and if you step foot in my girlfriend’s apartment parking lot, her job, or my property to get your little photos as proof to submit to your client, he’ll be there waiting. It’s just that simple. A fact isn’t a threat… just giving you the layout of the land. A little pre-tour if you will. This isn’t New York. We do things differently here, sir, so I suggest you play nice, so then you’ll get your pay and go on with your life.”

“How long does she need?”

“Sit tight. I’ll have ’er call you soon enough.”

With that, he disconnected the call.

Taking the potatoes off the stove, he drained them, sliced them up, and sprinkled some salt and pepper on them. Then, he placed the sandwiches and potatoes on a tray, along with a couple of bottles of water, and headed back up the steps. When he entered the bedroom, he immediately heard the soft snoring of his angel. The sheets were flung off half her body, and her hair was sprawled all over the pillow. She looked so peaceful. Quietly placing the tray down on the nightstand, he ushered Diesel in from the hallway. The beast was fairly begging to enter.

The animal approached the fire, curled on the rug, and lay down, facing Kim—eyes hooded, watchful. Jack approached his wolf, twisting the cap off his water bottle and began drinking as he regarded the magnificent creature.

“You can sense her distress, can’t you, boy?” Diesel blinked a couple of times, then rested his head along his paws. Yeah… it’s a terrible emotion to feel trapped. He gave the animal a good scratch behind the ear, then got into the bed alongside her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her close. She snuggled close to him, then, while still asleep, pressed her lips to his.