Page 43 of The Duke's Embrace

“Your Grace,” George’s voice brought Andrew back to the present conversation. “There is a reason for me waking you. A letter arrived from London from the shipyard, and it is urgent.”

Andrew waved a dismissive hand at George after taking the letter. “I’ll call you when I need you. Thank you, George.”

The valet left as Andrew walked to the window and drew the curtains for better light to read. It was from the manager of his shipping company. There had been a fire at his warehouse two nights prior, and he was needed immediately. The workers were taking inventory, but there was the insurance and other matters that required his personal attention. A fire could spell disaster for anyone. He had to leave for London right away.

He called for George to let him know of his plans to leave within the hour. The sudden turn of events frustrated Andrew, but there was nothing he could do. He’d planned on staying another few days to see what would develop with Tabitha. But now, he had to find out what happened at the warehouse and make sure everything was accounted for.

He hurried downstairs to the dining room, hoping to catch his grandmother and perhaps a glance at Tabitha. Would she blush at the sight of him, remembering the intimate moments they’d shared last night?

When Andrew entered the dining room, he found only his grandmother eating her breakfast. He went over to the sideboard, filling a plate of food before taking a seat at the table. As he ate, Andrew told the dowager about the contents of the letter.

“George is preparing my things for my departure.”

Lady Holcombe dabbed her mouth with her napkin before speaking. "We will return with you. No use staying here if you are gone."

“Now, Gran, this is as much your home as mine. Why don’t you and Miss Crestwood stay and enjoy yourselves?”

“It will be easier for the coachman to take us all at once, rather than coming back and doing the entire journey again. I’ll let the servants know to pack our things. I only need to find Miss Crestwood. She mentioned going for a walk.

Andrew rose from his chair. “I’ll have the grooms help me look for her. Just be ready to leave within the hour.”

With that said, Andrew went to the stables. He had two of the grooms also saddle up to look for Tabitha. He had a hunch where she might have gone and made straight for the pond. It was the one place where he would go for solitude.

* * *

Tabitha peeredinto the serene waters. The pond was calm, with no breeze to disturb the quiet tranquility. She needed the peacefulness to quell the jumble of emotions racing through her.

Last night with Andrew had been more than she could have imagined. It unnerved her, how easily she had succumbed to her wanton urges. Each time he touched her, she wanted more. Every time Andrew kissed her, it left her wishing it would never end. She hadn’t realized two people could be so connected. Tabitha had thought it would be easy to be with Andrew and move on, but now she wasn’t sure if her heart could bear the pain of leaving him.

Even this morning, when she had slipped out just before the sun had risen, it had taken everything in Tabitha not to crawl back in bed with him. He’d looked so peaceful. The lines of worry that, at times, etched his brow were gone. A few strands of hair had fallen over his face, and all Tabitha had wanted to do was brush them aside so she could look upon his features once more. But the distant crow of a rooster had reminded her it was time to return to her chambers before she was missed.

In the past, Tabitha had listened to friends who complained about the marriage bed and how unpleasant it was to be with their husbands. They never spoke of the wondrous sensations, the sheer delight of a man’s caress.

If Tabitha had to live the rest of her life sharing a bed with Andrew, she’d consider herself lucky. Instead, she would have to be content with the memories of their one sinful night. Now, in the light of day, Tabitha was faced with her looming confrontation with Lord Vance. She prayed her plan would work and she would come out of this unharmed, having assured Phillip’s safety.

In the distance, Tabitha heard hoofbeats followed by the neighing of a horse. She stood and brushed out her skirt, which had become wrinkled from sitting on the grass. When she turned around, Tabitha saw Andrew on horseback breaking through the woods. He pulled up his mount and in one smooth movement was off the horse and walking towards her. His pace was quick and urgent. Was something wrong?

He came up to her. “We are leaving for London within the hour. There has been a fire at one of my warehouses, and my presence is required. Gran wants to return with me, so I came to fetch you. The servants should be packing your things, so we can leave as soon as possible.”

Tabitha nodded her understanding. “All right. I’ll meet you there.”

She walked by him when he took hold of her arm.

“It will be faster if we ride back together. I can put you in front of me on the saddle.”

Andrew led her toward the horse before she could say anything. Without any hesitation, he lifted her up onto the horse and hoisted himself up behind her.

He put one arm around her waist and, with the other, grabbed the reins and put the horse into a trot. Tabitha was acutely aware of Andrew’s arm securely around her. It made her remember the night before and the way his arms had wrapped around her as he’d thrust inside of her. Heat crept up her neck and her breasts ached, constrained by her corset.

As they rode, Tabitha adjusted herself in the saddle when she felt something against her lower back. It took a second to realize it was Andrew’s cock. He was aroused. She ever so gently pushed back against him and swore she heard a small curse come from Andrew’s lips. She smiled to herself.

The manor house came into view as they crested the hill. In a few minutes, they would be back. When they came to the top of the hill, Andrew drew the horse to a stop. Tabitha turned to question him when Andrew’s lips descended on hers with a kiss filled with urgency and longing. Before she could comprehend what had happened, Andrew pulled away and nickered the horse into a canter.

As they rode, his grip tightened, almost possessively. Tabitha leaned back into him, trying to imprint, again, another perfect memory with Andrew before she returned to London.

They entered the courtyard and were met by a groom, who helped Tabitha down. She went into the house and found Lady Holcombe overseeing the last of the packing. Tabitha hastily went to change into her traveling dress, and they were all in the carriage within ten minutes.

It was a quiet ride back to town. The dowager made small talk, which Andrew and Tabitha responded to in kind, but each was deep in their own thoughts. The older woman must have sensed tension between the two of them and took to reading her book.