Page 44 of The Duke's Embrace

They stopped halfway to have a meal and then finished the journey, arriving in London in the late afternoon. The carriage delivered Tabitha to her aunt’s house, since it was on the way to Andrew’s home.

The coachman opened the door and handed Tabitha down as the footman unloaded her luggage. She thanked the dowager duchess and promised to call shortly. Andrew stood next to her, waiting to escort her to the door. He raised his arm, which she took, and they walked to the house. Just before they got to the threshold, Andrew stopped.

“When can I see you again?”

Tabitha knew this would happen and prepared herself, but it was harder than she had expected. Her heart twisted in agony at what she had to do. Suddenly, she found it difficult to speak.

“Your Grace, I know you are busy with your own affairs and I with mine, so I think it best we see each other only socially. Perhaps I shall see you the next time I call on Lady Holcombe.” She kept her voice steady, trying not to let it tremble.

Andrew leaned in closer, his jaw clenched. “To hell with that. You know what I mean. I want to see you again in private.”

She couldn’t bear to meet his gaze. Could he really care for her? No, she wouldn’t believe it, even if it was true. Tabitha shook her head and went to the door and knocked.

As she waited, Andrew spoke. “I know you felt something last night. Don’t lie to me, Tabitha.”

Tears stung the backs of her eyes. It took every ounce of willpower not to throw herself into his arms and confess her feelings.Remember Phillip.She had to hold fast to her plans and let nothing—or no one—persuade her otherwise.

The butler opened the door. With only a quick glance at Andrew, she said, “Good bye, Your Grace.”

She went through the doorway, quickly lost in the hall's darkness. It was only a few feet, but it felt like a giant chasm had opened between them as she left Andrew on the doorstep.

Later that afternoon, her aunt, who had been out when she returned welcomed Tabitha home. Tabitha gave a glowing report of her time away, expounding on the beauty of the both the house and the gardens. As they had tea, Aunt Caroline told Tabitha about other news.

“Your mother visited while you were away and has declared you are to return home immediately. She said it wasn’t proper for a young lady to be living with her aunt while her parents were in residence, so you are to move back in tomorrow.”

Tabitha paused with a sandwich halfway to her mouth. “Now, what has brought on this sudden change of heart? Mother does nothing without a motive. Did she mention anything?”

Her aunt shook her head. “All she said was she noticed how the Duke of Holcombe had danced only with you at the last ball. I may have also mentioned that you were the guest of the dowager duchess at their country estate.” Aunt Caroline took a sip of her tea. “I’m assuming your mother thinks there may be a match somewhere in your future and wants to be a part of anything that may come about. But you will have to ask her yourself.”

Tabitha wondered about her mother’s motives. Lady Bedford could be calculating in her methods. Whatever the reasons, she would find out soon enough when she returned home.

The next day after breakfast, Tabitha stepped foot back in her parent’s house. Her father was out for the day, but her mother was in the sitting room answering correspondence.

Tabitha entered and saw her mother at her desk, which faced out toward the gardens. “I’m here, Mother. Happy to see me home?” Tabitha tried not to sound too sarcastic.

Lady Bedford finished what she was writing before she rose and embraced her daughter, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Of course, I am delighted to have my only daughter back home, where she should have been this whole time. We have lots of catching up to do, my dear. Now, Caroline tells me you spent a few days at the Duke of Holcombe’s country estate as the dowager duchess’s guest.”

“Yes, I just returned yesterday.”

“And was the duke in attendance while you were visiting?”

“Yes. He showed me around the estate and accompanied us back to London.”

Her mother smiled, more to herself than Tabitha.

Tabitha had seen that look on her mother’s face before, and it never boded well for her. “Mother, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but please, leave things alone. I do not have any interest in the duke—or any other man.”

“Oh, Tabitha, darling, you may not be interested now, but give it time. Perhaps we should invite the duke and dowager duchess for dinner some night?”

“Please, Mother, for once, do not intrude on my affairs.” She didn’t need her mother meddling while she dealt with the situation with Lord Vance. How could she stand having Andrew around? A constant reminder of what they had shared.

Lady Bedford looked slightly defeated. “Very well, if that is what you wish. I will leave you be, for now.” With those final words, her mother returned to her letters.

Tabitha retired to her room until dinner, when she was welcomed with open arms by her father. During their meal, Tabitha told her parents more about her visit to the duke’s estate, including the dinner party when she played the piano. Lady Bedford was pleased when Tabitha mentioned how enraptured the duke had been with her playing.

Later that night in bed, Tabitha replayed her night of passion with Andrew in her mind. At the mere thought, her skin burned with the remembrance. The memory of his expression when he’d penetrated her, so caring, almost made her cry out in anguish.