I spat on the ground off to my side as he silently closed the door behind him.
“I gotta say, seeing you like this is almost unnerving. Thepsikhopat. I’ve seen men shake at the mere mention of your name. If only they could see you now. Could see how fucking pathetic you’ve become. And to be captured by a few traitors of the Blood Nation Sinners?”
He laughed.
I joined him, reveling in the way his humor faded off to the silence.
“What the fuck are you laughing about?” he asked.
“I might be the fuckingpsikhopat, but you’re a fuckingpredatel’. You’re a fucking dead man walking at this point. There should always be honor among thieves. And you don’t have any.”
Leo walked over to me and pulled his arm back, punching me. His fist connected with my left rib—the one they had been paying particular attention to since they brought me to this hellhole. I let out another grunt and shot him a bloody smile before spitting to the side again.
“Honor toward you?” he asked, and for the first time, I could see hatred in his eyes. I didn’t know what I had done to him, and I didn’t fucking care either way. But for him to have hidden it from me all these years was something else. He continued, his eyes glazed over, obviously lost in his own thoughts. “Loyalty for the fucking brotherhood you created by betraying everyone else?”
“Betrayed who?” I asked quietly.
He punched me in the stomach. I would have doubled over if the chains weren’t holding me in place. My vision tunneled, and it was taking everything I had not to pass out. If I had something in my stomach, I might have hurled it all over his fucking boots.
“Look at you. Is this the head of the most feared ??Vasiliev Bratva? If they could all see you now. See how fucking pathetic you look. And with you gone, the other two will scramble to regain control of the East. Do you think they’ll have the time to protect your littlepetfrom harm?”
I pulled on the chain, trying to get close to him. “You fucking leave her alone, you piece of shit. Your fight is with me. Leave her alone.”
He laughed. Rage boiled through my heart. I wanted nothing more than to pummel his face to the ground until he was an unrecognizable, bloody mess.
His eyes glinted when he said, “Don’t worry. I’ll leave her alone. For now. In the meantime, why don’t we have some fun, yeah?”
I lookedup at the rundown building.
From where I stood, it looked empty, but I knew—I fuckingknew—it was crawling with roaches.
Kirill and Maxim each led a group of twenty men, all spanning out behind me. They were waiting for my signal.
I cracked my knuckles, anticipation strumming through my veins.
I was going to fucking kill everyone.
There would be no mercy.
I walked up to the front doors, signaling with my hand for the men to spread out and find an entrance.
As for me?
I was going to fucking walk through the front door, and any motherfucker who got in my way was a dead motherfucker.
I pulled out the machete strapped to my back when I got to the first step, and kicked the doors open.
Shouts from men and women rang out around me as the scent of cigarettes and weed permeated my nose.
I looked around the smoke-filled room.
“I want Joseph Wright,” I called out.
“Who the fuck are you?” A voice yelled back.