Page 3 of Fall into Savagery

They didn’t get the chance to say anything else. Windows broke, and doors crashed to the ground as my men came in through the building.

People scrambled to get out, but no one would be leaving the building unless I allowed it. And with the way I was feeling now, the only way they would leave was in a body bag.

The first stupid fucker came at me.

I dodged his fist easily, doubling back to kick him to the wall just as another one came. He kicked and missed. I swung the machete down his neck.

He fell down, and I ignored the body.

It was taking everything in me not to blow this whole place up.

But I needed Joseph fucking Wright alive.

The leader of the fucking Blood Nation Sinners.

The fuckingmudilawas fucking lucky we even let him and his dogs roam our streets.

But for him to be messing with the Bratva?

From the corner of my eye, I saw Maxim take on a big fucker, so I threw him my machete.

It didn’t matter that I didn’t have any weapons.

Using my hands was much more personal. I liked to feel the way their pulse weakened. The way it stuttered, flickering in and out like a flame I was about to eliminate with a single breath.

I liked to be the last face they saw before death came for them, understanding well enough that the Devil wasn’t in hell, but standing over them as they fought to stay alive.

At least being in the ring with Luca taught me something about myself.

I was fucking bloodthirsty.

I came up to the next one, rage blinding me. My opponents were no longer people, but an obstacle course I needed to go through to get to my target.

I grabbed a neck and twisted until I felt the satisfying crunch of bone breaking beneath my fist.

The crunch transported me back to a time when I was fighting in the cage, day in and day out, doing what I needed to do to survive, and becoming desensitized to all the violence around me.

I came up to the next one.

This fucker had a gun, but he was slow.

I slapped the weapon from his hand and tackled him to the ground.

I punched him in the face until blood dripped from him. It still wasn’t enough. I punched him again and again andfuckingagain, even when he lost consciousness. I didn't care.

I just wanted all the voices to quiet down.

In my murderous haze, I didn’t watch my back. Someone slammed into me from behind.

I let out a small groan as the man flipped me around to face him.

My eyes met familiar blue eyes.

I grinned and head-butted my forehead against his nose.

He let out a loud moan and moved off me.

I stood up and looked at my target.