I laugh at that because it’s not a Logan thing to say. He suddenly jumps to his feet.“I think it’s time to call it a night. Do you want me to sleep out here?”

“No, of course not. I trust you to keep it in your pants.”

“Good, because I would never want to come between you and someone else.” He smiles and leans down to kiss my forehead, and I grin in return.

He glances at me with a look that tells me he’s turned serious again. “Think about what I said.”I’m about to answer when he adds, “No, Summer, really think about it. Don’t risk missing out on something special. You’ve never had feelings for anyone before. Dylan’s a lucky guy.”

I smile as he walks away, but this time it’s faked. Is he right? Do I have strong feelings for Dylan? God, who am I kidding? I like Dylan. IlikeDylan. Now that I’ve admitted it, I realize how foreign this feeling is. Every little flicker in my chest, every spark I’ve tried to ignore… But now that it’s out there, I’m not sure I can put it back.

I toss and turn beside Logan until he starts to stir. Worried I’m going to wake him completely, I quietly leave the room and settle on the couch. It’s three in the morning. I’ve been lying awake for hours with one thing on my mind. Well, more specifically…one person. Before thinking it through, I pull out my phone and send off a text.

Me: I miss you.

It’s not a verymething to say, but it’s the truth, and if I’ve learned anything during the time I’ve spent staring into space, listening to Logan’s breathing, it’s that I want to see Dylan, badly. I don’t expect a reply tonight, so I make myself comfortable and attempt to sleep on the couch. As my head hits the pillow, my phone vibrates. The fact that I get excited and jump to read it should tell me everything I need to know about my feelings.

Dylan: Is this for real? I miss you too. I’m pretty sure this is a dream though.

Dork.I laugh at his response as my phone vibrates again.

Dylan: and Happy Birthday.

My smile grows, and I shake my head. Of course, he remembered. The physical response I’m getting in my chest is not something I’m used to.Stupid heart. I’m not ready to admit my feelings to him; I’ve stepped as far outside the lines as I can go tonight. But still, I owe him something.

Summer: You said it was my turn to plan our next date, so be ready at five. Wear comfortable shoes.

Dylan: I can’t wait.

Dylan: P.S. I’m a guy, what kind of shoes did you think I’d wear?

I burst out laughing and then cover my mouth so as to not wake Logan.

Summer: Goodnight, Dylan.

Dylan: Goodnight, Summer.

I sigh and fall back into the cushions, excited to see what tomorrow brings but scared all the same. This is real. Our friendship, my feelings, all of it isreal. And, God, that terrifies me.

Chapter Thirty-Two


WhenIopenthedoor to Summer, my jaw drops to the ground before I have a chance to stop it. She’s standing before me in a pair of ripped black skinny jeans that look painted on her skin, with a pale pink top that’s sheer in some strategic places across the front, providing a peep show to a black lace bra underneath. I feel my jeans tighten as I grow hard at the sight of her.God, I want to kiss her.

Summer’s text saiddate, but I’m wary about making the first move. I’m still not sure where we stand, and the last thing I want to do is push her away again. So instead of a kiss, I pull her into me and wrap my arms around her. Date or no date, I’m not getting through the night without this. She gasps but pulls me closer, squeezing me a little and…is she smelling me? Definitely not complaining if she is. I pull away and take a step back, running a hand through my previously styled hair to stop myself from asking for more. “Shall we go?” I say and then make a move to Summer’s car. I don’t hear movement following me, and when I look over my shoulder, I find her staring at me curiously, with a small smile on her lips.This is going to be a good night. I feel it.

As soon as we’re in the car, Summer pounces on me. Verbally, not physically,unfortunately. “So what did you get me for my birthday? Can I have it now? I can’t see any presents.”

I can’t help but laugh. I didn’t even think she’d remember.

“I told you it wasn’t big, and I wasn’t kidding.” I lift up and reach into the pocket of my jeans. Summer stills with her hand raised to her mouth.Jesus, does she think I’m holding an engagement ring in here?These are pretty fitted jeans; they may not be skintight, but let’s just say I am not fitting a ring box in here. I pull the piece of paper out, and Summer visibly relaxes.

Unfolding the paper I printed from the online store giftsforbesties.com, I hand it over, and almost instantly she’s roaring in laughter. Which is exactly what I was going for. “Is this for real?” she asks, finally taking a breath before laughing again.

“Sure is.” I smirk, leaning back in my chair with my arms behind my head.

“But how?” She shakes her head and laughs again, but this one’s quieter and holds more emotion.

Before I can answer, she has her phone out and is typing the web address noted in front of her. I know as soon as the page has loaded because she laughs out loud again. She presses on the screen and Queen’s “You’re my Best Friend” begins to play, giving her a beautifully designed montage of our “seventeen years” of friendship, using random photos I found on the Internet.