“Just thinking about Liam’s mom.” I offer him a half-truth.

“I know. It’s sad to think that he’ll grow up without her, but he will have my mom, and she’s pretty awesome.”

“Oh, I know; trust me. I was always jealous of you.” I laugh. “He’s a lucky boy, but he’ll still be missing her.”

“No doubt,” he says, and his smile fades a little, most likely thinking about Liam’s mom now too. “Alright, enough of that. It’s time for the movie,” he announces and pushes me off his lap onto the couch beside him.

“Hey! Dick move,” I yell but can’t hide my smile.

We get through a movie and a half, plus two pizzas, before Logan starts running his hand up and down my arm. It’s his go-to move on me. I know exactly what it means. This scene would usually play out as follows… I’d let it go on until Logan’s hand moved higher and began massaging my neck, then I’d turn my head, look into his eyes andbam,the kissing would begin. Only this time, something feels different. Not from Logan’s end but from mine. Don’t get me wrong, his hands feel amazing, and like always, I’m enjoying every second, but something feels wrong. The desire isn’t there.

Logan’s fingers reach my hairline, and I now have a split-second decision to make. For the first time, since our first time, I hesitate. It doesn’t take him long to notice. His fingers stop their ministrations, and he uses his other hand to lift my chin, so our eyes meet.“Everything okay?”

“Of course. I’m just really tired tonight. It’s been a long week.”

Logan smirks at me.“You messing with me, Sum?”

“What? No.” I stare in his eyes, not really sure what I’m hoping to convey.

“Ah, I get it; you want me to mix it up a little.” Before I have a chance to answer, he flips me onto my back and moves between my legs. I open my mouth to speak, but I’m cut off as his lips meet mine in a bruising kiss.A kiss that feels all wrong. I can’t do this.Goddammit!Why can’t I do this?

One of Logan’s hands moves to my cheek while the other travels down my side. When he reaches my thighs, I grab his hand.“Stop.”

He does, instantly.“What’s going on?”

“Nothing, I’m just not in the mood.”

“I’m pretty confident I can change that.” Logan moves down my body and presses his mouth to my inner thigh before kissing his way up. God, that feels good, but no.

“Logan,” I warn.

“Tell me the truth, and I’ll stop.”He kisses me again, only an inch from my center.

“It’s Dylan,”I bark out frantically.

He pulls back completely and moves to the end of the couch. I wait for the anger, or the hurt. I’m definitely not expecting what comes next.“I know.” He smiles.

I stare at him dumbfounded for a moment before I find my words. “What do you mean?”

“I had my suspicions that there was more to you and Dylan, and then when Cory said the same, and you argued, it confirmed it.”

“Confirmed what?” I ask.

“It confirmed that maybeyoudon’t realize that there’s more to you and Dylan.”I can’t respond. I don’t know what to say, what to think. Logan’s expression softens, and he reaches over to pull me into a hug.“You deserve love, Summer. And I don’t just mean the love that Cory and I have for you. I mean the love I think you have for Dylan. I don’t really know him yet, but I plan to, because whether you realize it or not, he’s clearly important to you.

“Summer, you mean the world to me,” Logan adds when I still can’t speak. “I’d say you’re like a sister, but that’s gross considering what we’ve done in the past.” I laugh, finally breaking my silence. Logan continues.“You are the closest person to me. I wish I knew what happened to make you feel like you’re not worthy of a proper relationship, because you deserve the world. I’ve always wished I could give you that, but—”

I press my fingers to his lips because neither of us should ever feel guilty for not having romantic feelings toward each other.“I know. And you do. You’ve always been my savior. It’s why I don’t need a relationship. I don’t want—”

He sighs as his brows furrow. “If that’s the case, then, I’m sorry. I’ve been holding you back.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. Logan, I’m not in love with Dylan. You’re not holding me back.”

“I’m not?” He raises his eyebrows, unconvinced.

“No. You’re not.”

“Great, then let’s get back to it.” He grabs my face and tries to press his lips to mine. I push back instantly, ready to argue, until he laughs again.“Come on, Summer. How can you not see it? You may not love him yet, but you have definitely caught the feels.”