I check the time on my phone. Class should have started, but no, today he’s going to be late. I turn back to the girls. “Good question, Lilly.”

“It’s Lolly.”

“Oh, apologies. I’m sorry, but he has a girlfriend,” I say and then wave my phone in the air. “Excuse me for a second. I just received a text message,” I lie and start a text to Cory even though she is in the room.

“No, he doesn’t,” one girl says after a minute of me ignoring them.

Keeping my eyes on the phone, I’m only half paying attention. “Doesn’t what?” I ask.God, why am I entertaining this?

“He doesn’t have a girlfriend,” one of them says.

What?I freeze at her words, my heart beating so hard that I’m pretty sure I could feel it against my hand if I held it to my chest.That can’t be right? Can it?

“Shouldn’t you know that? Considering—”

Ah…“Of course, I know that. I just didn’t know it was common knowledge yet,” I quickly blurt, cutting her off.They smile in unison, and it’s a little creepy.

“So…who has the best shot?”

What? Oh right. That’s where this started. I wish this wasn’t happening. I need to process this new information, but three sets of eyes are staring at me, waiting for a response. I shake off my thoughts, calm my breathing, and sigh. If they want an answer, I may as well enjoy it. Eyes down to my phone again, I quickly send Dylan a text.

Me: Are you a boob, ass, or legs man?

Lucky for me, the girls surrounding me each fit into a different one of these categories. While they’re all equally fine, they know their best features and flaunt them. Beach Barbie has on Daisy Dukes, Blondie’s in a low-cut top that’s most definitely one size too small, and Bouncy Barbie is in a miniskirt. It doesn’t take much to figure out who matches with each asset. And because I need answers, I shoot off another text straight after.

Me: Also, Gemma???

Dylan’s reply is instant.

Dylan: Ummm, what?

Dylan: We broke up.

So it’s true. My heart rate picks up again, but I ignore it. I got my answer, and it changes nothing, so…back to my initial query.

Me: Boobs, ass, or legs. Which is it? It’s a simple question and one I need answered… right now.

Dylan: I feel like this is a trick.

I let out a very unattractive snort laugh, his words working to keep my thoughts on our easy friendship. The three Barbies were right. We laugh together all the time.

Me: Oh my god. Just answer me.

Dylan: …

I smile in anticipation and then snort again at his response.

Dylan: Smile, definitely smile.

What a dork.I have to admit, being friends with Dylan is definitely entertaining.

Dylan: Personality?

Okay, that’s a little cute

Dylan: Intelligence?

This guy…