I cut straight to the chase. “Coach says a scout is coming to see me at the Tigers game.”

He pauses and abandons his books completely, giving me his full attention. “No shit? That’s great!”


Joel shakes his head as soon as the word is out of my mouth. “Nope, stop right there. I know what you’re going to say, and before you do, just hear me out.”

“Okay.” I wave my hand to gesture for him to begin.

“You’ve had a couple of shitty relationships, and now you’re single.”

“Thanks for the recap,” I reply.

“You’re welcome.” Joel grins. “Anyway, my point is that maybe you shouldn’t rule out the NFL just yet. I know your reasons.”Most of them. “And you said yourself that you’re going to try staying single for once, so all your concerns could be nonissues.”

“For now.” I laugh, and Joel shrugs.

He has a point, sort of. But it’s still not going to help in the long run. It’s better if I…

“Just keep your options open,” he says, reading my mind like always.“It can’t hurt,” he adds to really drive his opinion home. Again, he’s right. What’s the harm in keeping my options open? Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Chapter Twelve


I’mnotpayingattentionas I walk across campus the day after texting with Dylan. I’m smiling at the thought of him being escorted out of the library, and so completely lost in the visual my mind creates that I startle when a group of girls call my name. They’re waving frantically with big smiles on their faces. I offer a polite wave but otherwise ignore it and continue on.That was weird.When I approach the door to my building, a petite, bright-eyed and bubbly young girl runs in front of me and opens it before I can.“I’ve got it,” she chirps with a smile and then moves to the side, allowing me to pass through.

“Thank you?” I say, because, again, it’s the polite thing to do, but it comes out as a question because…I don’t even know why? I mean, sure, most people I’ve met here at Heartwood U have been nice enough, but this is next level.

In the hall, another two girls smile at me and a third tells me to have a nice day.Am I dreaming? What is happening here?Taking my usual seat in literature, I wait for Cory to join me as she stayed at Nate’s last night. It’s the only class we have together, probably because it’s heronlysummer class full stop. I somehow convinced her to take itnowrather than later. I almost bounce in my seat, dying to tell her about the strange female attention I’m getting, knowing she’ll get a kick out of it. When she finally walks through the door at the bottom of the lecture hall, she gives me a questioning look and raises an eyebrow, looking a little to my left. I follow her gaze and internally groan. Three girls are heading toward me with coffee and huge smiles on their overly made-up faces. I cringe when I recognize them. We’ve been in a few classes together, so I know them well enough to have secretly given them nicknames, but we are not friends.

I’m not religious at all, but at this moment, I find myself praying they’ll walk past me. I donotneed this right now.My prayers are not answered.

“I can’t believe we didn’t know you were in this class,” Beach Barbie says before sitting down beside me.

I can’t believe you even know who I am.I’m not usually one to judge others, especially women, and I don’t generally have anything against anyone, but these womenscreamfake. I smile and keep looking at my phone, hoping they’ll disappear.No such luck, again.

“How was your weekend?” Blonde Barbie asks as she squeezes her orange tanned body past me to sit on my other side.

It’s Thursday, but I let that slide and answer. “I had a great weekend, and almost feel ready for the next one.”

“You. Are. So. Funny. Isn’t she, girls?”

Someone please get me a bucket. I need to puke. What is going on? If they think I’m tutoring their tiny, perfect looking asses, they can think again.

“I bet you and Dylan laughallthe time,” says Bouncy Barbie.And that’s my final nickname. Unoriginal, I know.The girls all sigh like Bouncy Barbie’s comment is the cutest thing they’ve ever heard. Me? I’m completely confused.

“Come again?”

“You and Dylan must laugh together. You know, because you are bothsofunny.”

Say what?“Huh?” I stare blankly, my eyes shifting between the two girls on my left, hoping one of them will give me more information. The Barbie on my right answers my question with her swooning.

“I wish he wasmybest friend,” she whispers.

A laugh escapes me before I can stop it, so I cough to hide it.I walked right into this. That will teach me for having a little fun. I wonder why this is coming up now?

“Since you know him so well, which of us do you think has a better chance with him?”