“Okay, ladies,” Tonya claps her hands. “We’ll figure out a time for next month. Until then, I have to go make sure my husband isn’t drowning our apartment with Febreze.

The entire drive home my thoughts are whirling so quickly, I can barely keep up. Note to self, coffee at night probably isn’t the best idea. Tea may be better next time. The one thing I keep focusing on is the question Randall asked me the first time we went to the park. What do I want for myself?

Working in the boutique brings me so much joy, but I don’t want to be a retail worker for the rest of my life. It wouldn’t be so horrible to maybe own a store one day, though. It’s something I’ll have to think about more. Everything in my life is starting to look up after the months of sinking into myself. Maybe it’s possible to have everything I want, Randall included, without any of the heartache.



Summer is already hittingus full force. The days are long and stifling with heat. Not exactly the best time for the air conditioner in my car to die. I should have seen it coming. This car has been nothing but problematic the past few weeks. And, of course, it would happen when I’m supposed to take Amelia out.

The past month and a half with her has been amazing. We’ve been inseparable, well except for nights when we’re both working or when she has that book club with the girls. After the book meeting last month, she complained about not actually talking about the book. Then talked about how much fun she had and couldn’t wait to do it again. Girls can be so weird sometimes.

Opening up my text messages, I send one to Amelia.

Randall: Would you despise not having a/c on the way to our date tonight?

Amelia: Uh-oh. What happened?

It’s so embarrassing that I even need to have this conversation. If my life had taken a different path, or my dad didn’t drown in his own pool of self-loathing, I could be driving a decent car. Not something that I hope gets me to where I need to be. One day I’ll have the car I need.

Randall: It’s not working in my car.

Amelia: Weren’t we going to the drive-in anyway? I’ll just put my hair up and we can put the windows down.

Randall: Are you sure?

Amelia: Duh. It’s not like I’m super high maintenance or anything.

Randall: Okay, cool. I’ll pick you up in a few hours. Have a great rest of your day.

Amelia: You too. :)

This is why I’m slowly falling in love with this woman. She doesn’t care about appearances or anything like that. With her, actions are what speak the loudest. I plan on doing everything I can to show her how much I care about her, and maybe she won’t go back home. Maybe I’ll be enough of a reason for her to stay.

Dad stumbles into the house. The talk we had a few weeks ago did absolutely nothing. He’s still getting shit-face drunk and being a complete asshole. He did listen to me, though. Catching him at a time when he doesn’t have a beer in his hand isn’t easy. He made promises that he’s already broken many times over, and I’m starting to lose all faith in him. He doesn’twantto give up drinking, and until that happens… I’m wasting my breath. It’s going to take him hitting rock bottom before that happens.

“Randall,” he shouts. “Get in here, son.”

Absolutely anything else sounds better than facing whatever he’s going to yell about. Hell, I’d willingly spend time with Jake’s parents to evade my father. But I move my feet toward the living room. Stalling will only piss him off more.

“Hey, Dad.” My voice is light, hiding the tension behind it. “What’s up?”

“Why are you home?”

“Today is my day off,” I reply, worried this is going to be another time I have to pin him down. “But I’ll be heading out in an hour or so.”

He doesn’t say anything. Lifting the can of beer to his lips, he shakes his head, then takes a long swig. “That girl is going to let you down, just likeshedid.”

It’s an argument we’ve had numerous times since he found out I was dating Amelia. Apparently, I’m supposed to stay single forever and clean up his messes. “Maybe,” I shrug. “At least I’m trying to have a normal relationship instead of living in the past. By the way, I gave the landlord the money for rent. We have a place to live for another month.”

This time I don’t wait for a response. I go to my room, grab my wallet and keys, and walk out the back door. If he wants to stew on a past, he can’t change, he can do it alone. I’m not going to argue with him about my life when he refuses to actuallylivehis own. Besides, I need to go to the store anyway. A picnic at the drive-in is exactly what I need tonight. Being with one of the most amazing people I know doesn’t hurt either.

* * *

“You didn’t need to go through all this trouble,” Amelia gasps when I let her know she can come out of the car. I made her wait until I had the blanket and food spread out like a feast.

My cheeks warm. “I know that. I wanted to. And, it’s a beautiful night. Why waste that on concession stand food and sitting in a hot car.” Truth be told, it’s hot as hell tonight. Sitting in the car would be stifling and uncomfortable. Having my ass stick to the seat from sweat isn’t my idea of a good time. Not to mention trying to hold her hand when mine is damp and gross. That can’t be attractive to ladies.