“Who knew you were such a romantic?” She clasps her hands together and sighs. She looks like one of the girls that fawn over Gaston anytime they are in his presence. It would be annoying if it wasn’t so cute. This girl could do anything and I would find it adorable. I am definitely falling for her more and more every minute I spend with her.

“It’s not a huge deal,” I whisper. She knows my money situation and where it all goes. I can’t afford to take her to do things most boyfriends would. Her being appreciative of the small things I can offer means more to me than anything else.

“And,” she kisses my cheek. “That’s my favorite part. You don’t try to impress me with frivolous things I don’t care about.” She leans her head on my shoulder. “Remember, I’m not high maintenance. I’m good with keeping things mellow.”

Right as I’m turning to kiss her the way I want to, the movie starts, and her focus is on the massive screen sitting in the middle of a field. Sounds of families, and couples drift toward us almost drowning out the previews coming from the crackling speakers next to the cars. The conversations from Mom and Dad about how they used to come to a place just like this every weekend enter my thoughts. Even though, Mom didn’t want us,me, anymore, I’m filled with peace knowing they were happy… at least for a little while.

Instead of spending time thinking about a family that no longer exists, I cherish the time I have with the girl by my side. You never know when the most important people in your life will leave without a moment’s notice.

* * *

It’s around midnight when the movies end, and it’s time for us to leave the drive-in. Getting out of here is almost as bad as it is to get out of football games. The line of cars trying to be the first to get out is ridiculous. Things would go a lot smoother if they would just let every other car in the line.

We don’t make a move to the car just yet, though. We’ll let these crazies jam the entrance until there is almost nobody left. We lie back on the blanket and admire the stars. “It still baffles me that you can see the stars so well out here.”

“Why? Do you not have the same sky at home?”

She scoots closer to me despite the heat. Not caring if we get sweat on each other. “We do. There’s even a great place to stargaze at my parent’s house. I’ve just never taken the time to do it.”

Amelia referring to her house as her parent’s doesn’t slip my notice. That may be a sign that she’s planning to stick around for a while. She hasn’t mentioned anything, but I’m holding out hope. Her being here for the long haul would help ease the fear I have of her up and leaving me. Most would say it’s an irrational fear. Those people have clearly never been left behind and unwanted.

“What are you thinking about?” Amelia says into my neck.

There’s no way I’m going to tell her I’m obsessing over something that may not happen. “How perfect this night has been.” It’s not a lie. Not completely, anyway. “There wasn’t any drama or the whole group of us being loud and crazy.”

“Oh yeah,” she says, excitedly. “Don’t forget we’re supposed to go to the lake with everyone tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait.” This isn’t a lie either. The lake is one of my happy places. It’s away from my dad, and we can fish, swim, and cookout without having anything to worry about. “The traffic has died down. Let’s get out of here. We’re going to need as much sleep as possible. This crew doesn’t just go to the lake for a few hours. We spend the entire day on the water.”

Sitting up, I pull her next to me. I don’t let her go. Within seconds she’s in my lap, legs straddling my hips. If we were anywhere else, I’d find this sexy as hell. We’re in public, though, and I have to do my best to tamp down my hormones. It’s not easy. “I thought we were going?” She whispers in my ear.

Dammit. Amelia is making this incredibly hard. I want to forget that we’re not alone more than anything. A groan escapes my lips, “We are. I just wanted to hold you for a little bit.”

With every kiss I press against her neck, she scoots closer. Testing my willpower further. Wrapping my arms around her, I bring her even closer, and lean in to kiss her. She throws her arms around my neck, and deepens the kiss. She’s at an advantage since she’s a smidge taller than me while sitting on my lap.

I’m lost in her, the way she tastes, and how her lips feel pressed against mine. It’s the sweetest torture not being able to go any further. “Hey, the lot has emptied out. It’s time for you to leave,” a deep voice calls from the darkness. It’s like cold water being splashed on us, breaking the spell we are under.

“Crap,” she mutters into my hair. “We should probably go before they call the cops or something.”

“They won’t do that,” I chuckle. “The worst that would happen is being banned from this place.”

We stand up, and begin cleaning our area. We don’t want to leave any sort of mess after being reprimanded for fooling around after closing. Maybe we can sneak away while we’re at the lake tomorrow. The likelihood is slim, but a guy can dream. For now, I’ll get her home before her aunt and uncle start blowing up her phone.

* * *

I’m out of the house before Dad even wakes up. He must have passed out in his room last night because I didn’t see him when I came home either. It’s one less fight I’ll have to endure, and I’m not complaining. One small victory for the day.

The roads are empty this early in the morning. Amelia doesn’t do well with mornings and I can’t help but wonder what sort of mood she’s going to be in. Hopefully it’s nothing like Cami. I don’t plan on talking to her until after lunch if I can help it. If everyone else is smart, they won’t either.

Brew’s Clue is open and empty. While everyone else in town is catching up on their beauty sleep on this already scorching Saturday, I’m getting my girl the biggest cup of coffee this place has to offer. It’s the least I can do for making her get up so early on a weekend that she doesn’t have to work. She could have said no when I invited her. Not that her cousin would have allowed that answer. Even though she’s been getting out more than she did a few months ago, they keep harping on her about getting out more. One day she’s going to lose it on her family for being so meddlesome.

Before getting out of the car, I reach into the cup holder for my wallet. Except… it’s not there. I could have sworn I left it in here last night out of fear I’d forget it this morning. I guess I won’t be showing up on Amelia’s doorstep with the caffeine I know she’ll want so badly.

A quick glance at my watch tells me I’m already late to pick her up. Shit. We’ll have to stop by my house on the way to the lake. There’s a chain coffee shop on the way for us to stop by. If all is right with the world, my dad will still be asleep.

She’s already waiting outside when I pull up to the house, sitting on a big red and white ice chest.

“How are you going to tell me to be ready at this God awful hour, then show up late?” She scolds me before I even have the door halfway open.