Page 64 of Locked Box

Max stumbled to his feet and her gaze flew toward his cock, jutting toward her like a batting ram. “Oh my word, oh my word. Max and Julia, you’re…you’re…”

“Naked?” Julia shrieked. “Fucking each other?”

Henrietta gasped in horror. She stumbled backward, tripping on a box of rubber crime scene gloves.

We’re free.

Henrietta’s seen my dick.

We’re free.

She watched me give Julia head.

But we’re free. But also my dick.

It was all too much, Henrietta’s prissy objections, the taste of pussy on his tongue, this entire situation, his whole life. Max began to laugh. He laughed like a murderer who got let off death row.

Henrietta lurched away from them, looking for all the world as though she intended to leave and slam the door behind her.

“Good,” Max wheezed. “Get going, Henri. I'm having the fucking time of my life in here.”

“MaxConnor!” Henrietta gasped and it was the funniest thing Max had ever heard. His stomach muscles cramped as he doubled over laughing fit to burst.

Thankfully, Julia wasn’t as dumb as he was. She clambered off the desk, slinging his black T-shirt over her head. “Henri? I’m sorry for screaming at you. Everything’s fine, I promise.”

She advanced toward Henrietta, one hand extended, as though approaching a rabid dog. “How did you know to come looking for us?”

Henrietta brought the hand holding her keys to her mouth. "I saw your cars in the parking lot and I had the strangest feeling you might still be inside.”

“You were right. You’re amazing!”

Henrietta blanched as though Julia had slapped her. “Yes, but this whole time you’ve been in here doingthis…Oh my word,oh my word."

Max furiously choked back his laughter.

“I’m sorry you had to find us like that,” Julia said, shooting him a dirty look.

Two spots of red appeared on Henrietta’s cheeks. “It’s just sohorrible. I’ve neverseenthat before…”

Max rolled his eyes. She’d watched a gorgeous girl get eaten out, not a public execution. Anyway, she was only a few years older than he was. What was her husband playing at ifthiswas her first experience of oral sex?

Julia had made it to Henrietta’s side and was stroking her back in slow circles. “It’s all over now. Thank you for coming to get us. We’re starving and putrid and we just want to go home.”

Max’s laughter died on his lips. Home. Home to Dean and his fridge and his bed. Home to a place where Julia wasn’t. Fucking hell. He looked at her, near naked beneath his T-shirt as she led Henrietta through a series of deep breaths. He’d sworn that when this was over he’d do the right thing, but their shitty holiday wasn’t meant to be over yet. He was supposed to have until Monday…

“…and someone moved the encyclopedia out of the way,” Julia said. “I was trapped and then Max came to help me and we both wound up stuck. Right, Max?”

He tore his gaze away from her nipples. “Huh?”

Julia glared at him. “Stop looking at my tits andhelp,” she mouthed.

Max stepped forward. “How are you feeling, Henri?”

The high color was receding from Henrietta’s cheeks and Max could see gossipy interest dawning in her eyes. “I’m fine. Are the two of you involved?”

Julia’s expression was pure panic. “We…ah. We…”

Henrietta’s gaze flicked to his wedding ring. “I know you’re divorced, Max, but I just never thought…well,this. How long has this been happening?”