Page 63 of Locked Box

“I’m sorry, what’s the distinction?”

“One is appealing, the other’s just creepy.”

“Oh, okay. You’re a blue-eyed tiger. Easily.”

Julia gave in to the urge to kiss Max on his full, lovely mouth. He seemed surprised but within seconds was kissing her back. It was sweet, the feel of his lips against hers, the heat of his chest under her palms, like there was a warm well in her chest and he was drawing up the water.

Max pulled away, weaving his fingers through her hair. “I mean it, you know. Most people would have a problem with the fact that we’re locked in a cupboard with a bucket for a toilet. You haven’t bitched once.”

That’s because he was with her. If she’d been trapped with anyone other than Max she would be trying to tunnel her way out with her shoes but she couldn’t tell him that, not after her big “let’s not talk about our feelings” speech.

“What’s to complain about? I’ve got mints, a notepad, a stereo, some carpet…”

Max gestured down at his gorgeous, still naked body. “Anything else?”

“A speaker system, some pencils…There’s probably a machete around here somewhere that I can play with…”

Max crossed his arms over his chest. “If that’s the impression I’ve made, clearly I have work to do.”

“What did you have in mind, Emperor Max?”

He rolled her onto her back and buried his face in her neck, nuzzling and biting. Then he chuckled and pulled away.

“What are you giggling at?”

Max grinned sheepishly. “When you said that thing about the machete I should have grabbed my dick and said ‘there’s a machete you can play with right now’.”

Julia groaned. “Well, consider that an opportunity lost. You’re not going to get a chance like that again.”

Max snapped his fingers. “Damn.”

“Are you getting cabin fever? Should I be worried about my person?”

“Maybe. All work and no play makes Max a dull boy.”

Julia shoved him. “Urgh, don’t start doing creepy impressions after we’ve had sex.”

“Then what should I do after we’ve had sex in a locked evidence room? Read the brief of evidence guidebook? Play the harmonica?”

Julia bit her lip. She’d forgotten about the goofy, affectionate version of Max she’d met six years ago after they’d first hooked up. His re-emergence made her heart pound in a way that felt dangerous. She needed to bring things back to a place that made sense. Julia slipped her hand between them and gripped his stiffening cock. “I figured after we had sex, we’d have more sex.”

Max closed his eyes. “Yeah, that’s a much better idea.”

Chapter 18

WHENthe door to the property office opened, Max was buried face-first in Julia's pussy. She’d said it was impossible for her to have multiple orgasms while getting eaten out. He bet her a bottle of confiscated vodka she was wrong. She’d sat on the wooden table and he’d kneeled on a towel and gone to work. Within seconds, Julia was gripping his hair and screaming so loudly she could have woken the dead. Within ten minutes she’d lost the bet but Max kept going. He couldn’t stop. His knees burned and his jaw ached but every time Julia came he needed her to do it again.

They were stuck in limbo, a purgatory where all there was, was pussy, orgasms and walls.

“Jesus Christ,stop,” Julia sobbed, grinding herself helplessly against his face. Max clamped his hands under her ass, curling his tongue against her G-spot.Gonna make her come again, gonna make her come on my face one more time, then I’m gonna fuck her right against this table.

Neither of them heard the key turning in the lock. The iPod speakers were blasting The Black Keys and between that, Julia’s screams, and her thighs clamped around his ears, Max was a little hard of hearing. And breathing. In fact, he probably would have died between Julia’s legs if it had not been for the high-pitched scream, loud enough to shatter glass. It was a non-sexual scream, one that suggested the purest of terror and it was immediately followed by “Ohno. Stop it!Stop it!”

Max’s head snapped toward the sound and to his utter disbelief, he saw Henrietta standing in the doorway, keys dangling from her hand like a half-amputated limb.

“Fuck!” he yelped. “What thefuck?”

Henrietta screamed, louder than before, and stumbled backward like she’d unearthed a terrifying monster. It was at this point Julia spotted their unexpected visitor and also screamed, the sound very different from the heady noises she’d been making seconds earlier. She covered her breasts, then her pussy, then her breasts again. “What…” she gasped. “Henrietta?What?”