Page 43 of Degrees of Control

James tugged the champagne bottle from the ice bucket. “Can I convince you to take a break from sobriety and have a glass?”

Charlie shook her head. “You can convince me to do a lot of things, but not that.”

“Fair enough.” He tugged off the foil and removed the cork with a practised hand. Charlie watched thinking that this whole thing smacked of ritual. Same room, same champagne, different girl. Unaware of her inner turmoil, James downed a glass of champagne in one swallow and put down the glass with a hard clink. He looked at her, his mouth a hard, firm line and unzipped his suit pants. The sight of his cock straining against his fancy cotton briefs made her mouth go dry.

“Take off your dress.”

Charlie pulled the cotton over her head, exposing her sky-blue panties and half-shell bra. James advanced on her, his gaze menacing. “Get on the bed, sweetheart. Face down. Spread those legs as wide as they go.”

Charlie closed her eyes. She could already see what would come next. If she obeyed, James would pin her down, taunt her overly stimulated flesh and make her beg. Domination was what she sought from him, but today she knew she couldn’t handle it. She was already so vulnerable. “I want something different.”

James looked slightly taken aback, but recovered quickly enough. He leaned down to kiss her neck. “And what do you want? You want my mouth on you again, Blue-Eyes?”

She shook her head. “I want to be in control this time.”

James’ eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Let me tie you up.”


Because I need to know what it’s like to own you, even if it’s just for an afternoon.

“It’s something I’ve always been curious about. You said you liked experimenting with me. This is what I want.”

“Well, God forbid I don’t give you what you want.” With a grin that said he wasn’t taking this the least bit seriously, he let her urge him back onto the bed and straddle his hips. “What are you gonna shackle me with?”

Charlie glanced around and then picked up his silk tie. “This?”

The self-satisfied smile faded a little. “What if you ruin it?”

“Aw, James, are you a scared boy? I swear I’ll be gentle.”

It was a cheap shot, prodding his masculinity, but he fell for it, hook, line and sinker. “You don’t need to be gentle. I just doubt you can do it, is all.”

Charlie laughed, knowing she was throwing petrol on the fire. “C’mon, baby,” she said in imitation of his Texan drawl. “Just try it once, I swear you’ll like it.”

“Why do I feel like you’re trying to get me to suck your dick behind the bleachers?”

“Repressed memories?”

James scowled. “Fine, we’ll do this, but when we’re done I’m gonna show you what you really like, Blue-Eyes, and we both know that means doing what I say.” He kissed her hard, letting his teeth sink into her lips. “You’ll see.”

“I guess we will, now be quiet and grab the bed please.”

James reached for the wrought iron headboard, hauling his long frame up the mattress. Charlie seated herself on his chest and wound the tie around his wrists and into the frame, pulling the ends together. She tied them in a double fisherman’s knot.

James’ eyes tracked her progress. “Nice rope work.”

“I was in Girl Guides.”

“Really? Did you wear a—”

Charlie leaned forward and bit his lip. James snarled and there was a clanging sound as he jerked his bound hands against the bed.

“That’s enough talk from you, Mr. Hunter.” Charlie wound her way down his body, trailing her hands down his chest. She kept waiting for James to seize her hair or spank her ass and then remembered he couldn’t. It was delicious having this arrogant, oversized man at her mercy. She ran a thumb over his lower lip and he scowled.

“The night we met, you had that same mean look on your face.” She reached behind herself and released the catch on her bra.