Page 44 of Degrees of Control

At the sight of her bare breasts, James’ expression grew strained. “Oh yeah? Was that the night you were out trolling for dick, Blue-Eyes?”

Charlie ran a hand down the front of his clinging underwear. “Look at you. You’re all tied up, you’re making jokes. It’s like you’ve become me.”

“If I was you, I’d be coming right now, instead of bored.” His blasé attitude was somewhat undermined by the small wet stain seeping through the front of his briefs.

Charlie pulled his underwear halfway down his hard thighs. “We’ll see how boring I am, Mr. Hunter.”

She examined him, stroking lightly over his blood-swollen cock, and when his dick pulsed in her hands, she bent forward to trace every last pulsing vein with her tongue. Slowly.

“I know what you want, girl, and it’s not happening,” James warned.

“What’s not happening?”

“I ain’t gonna beg. You can tease me as much as you want and I’m just gonna lie here, silent as the grave.”

Charlie slid her damp, barely-there briefs down her legs and brought the material to his lips. “You like panties, right, James?”

James’ mouth hardened into a mean line. He shook his head.

“Oh come on, baby, just open your mouth and it’ll soon be over.”

His eyes glittered stubbornly and Charlie tipped a thumb toward the door. “Or I could go? I have a lot of laundry to do, books to read, that kind of thing…”

James snarled and the material disappeared between his lips. A bolt of arousal buzzed between Charlotte’s legs. There was something sodirtyabout her pale blue lace panties framed by his stubbled jaw.

She tugged his briefs further down his thighs, keeping his legs locked together with the material. James’ cock was now red with blood and pre-come was dripping from the head. Charlie licked it away, but he only leaked more. James’ breath was heavy, his broad chest rising and falling.

Charlie smirked up at him. “As I was saying, the night we met, you had this look on your face. It said ‘don’t even think about fucking with me’.” She circled him with her finger, spreading his wet pre-come across the head of his cock. “I can’t tell you how much I like fucking with you, James.”

She brought her hand to her mouth and sucked all four fingers, dragging the earthy flavor of his arousal against her taste buds. She dragged her slick fingers through her folds, inspecting her own wetness. James gave a muffled cry and the headboard rattled once more. When she was convinced he was sufficiently furious, Charlie pulled a condom from her bag and rolled it down his cock.

“You know, you really are hung,” she said, stroking his latex-covered shaft. “Long and thick with this upward curve, like you were designed to hit my G-spot. If I had the tools I’d put a mold around your dick, make myself a replica. Use it whenever I liked…”

James raised his eyebrows, as though worried that was her plan all along.

“…But since I don’t have the tools, I guess I’ll just have to use you instead.”

Charlie wrapped her legs around his hips and braced his cock at her entrance. Sensing an end to his torment, James bucked and she rose out of his reach. “Are you going to do what I want?”

James scowled up at her, his gaze so furious she laughed. The panties in his mouth were damp with saliva and why that aroused her so much, she didn’t know. She sunk down on him and he moaned like a wounded animal. With a muffled groan, he thrust against her, rutting, and Charlie gripped his jaw. “Stop moving.”

With an insolent smile James tilted his hips, pressing hard against her G-spot. Charlie bit back a moan as all her nerve endings sparked. How could she have gone days without feeling this? Without having him?

Wake up, Bell, a quiet voice urged.Neither the right time nor the right emotion.

With every ounce of self-control Charlie possessed, she drew him out of her clinging, needy cunt. James snarled, and she lay between his legs and placed both hands on his thighs. They were as beautiful as the rest of him, thick muscle covered in fine golden hair. She brought her lips to the head of his cock. “I can make you come like this. It would be so easy.”

A growl escaped James’ panty-filled mouth.

“Is that what you want? To walk out of here one load lighter?”

He stared at her, hazel eyes full of resentment and Charlie decided to continue as though he’d answered. “I think you want to fuck, I think you want to come deep inside my pussy. So are you going to admit you’ve been dying the way I’ve been dying? Or will I just peel off this condom and suck you?”

James shook his head so violently his body quaked.

“Then lie back and let me get what I want.”

He nodded, closing his eyes as though resigning himself to his fate. Charlie crawled up him again, and this time he was passive. She mounted him slowly, letting him feel every single centimeter of her pussy as she slid down.